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Thursday 10 August 2017

Truth and Lies

In Today's Issue

Truth and Lies by Susan McCartney
Big Fat Lies
Question Impossible
Random Joke of the Day
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Finish with a Song


In the arithmetic of love.  I minus you equals nothing. You and I together equals everything

‘I read your book.  You’re – it is disgusting.’
His words drench the distance between us with venom
‘You shouldn’t have read it,’ I say

A Truth

‘Who is this man?’  His words demand – command
Blue eyes meet green
I pause. ‘It is fiction.  There is…..was no man, no lover.’

A Lie

He growls. ‘Who is this man with hungry eyes and hands – caressing, satisfying, worshiping. The man that made YOU feel beautiful?’
I say, ‘that man does not exist.’

A Lie. A Truth

He waves disdain. ‘What is this perverted fantasy?  This twining of moist limbs on silken sheets.  This merging of souls?’  A snorted laugh – a balled fist
‘As you say,’ I whisper.  ‘A fantasy. Ashes of a thing long lost.  Something I had once.’

A Lie. A Truth

‘You write of this man as if he were real.  There was……..is a lover.  Tell me his name.’
Green eyes blaze but blue remain cool
‘He is dead,’ I murmur

A Lie

He snarls spittle.  ‘Tell me the name of this blind fool who would want YOU.’
I think before speaking. ‘You wouldn’t like it if I told you.’

A Truth

‘His name!’  Temple veins throb
I reflect.  ‘He is dead.  Dead to me now for many years.’

A Lie.  A Truth

‘Who will read this filth?’ He slams the book
‘It is selling extremely well,’ I counter

A Truth

Ice blue meet bulging green
‘Speak his name for the love of God!’ His words catch in the throat and fail
I smile with a shrug – feign a dismissive wave.  ‘You wouldn’t want to know.’

A Truth

‘I want to know his NAME. I must know.’
A Lie? A Truth?
‘The man is you.  Once it was you and only you.  But that a lifetime away.’

No Lie

Blue no longer – shards of steel
‘I’m leaving you now.’

A Truth

Green flash…… pain
A gasp.  A sob. ‘Please don’t go.  I can’t live…………’

The Truth

Susan McCartney

Big Fat Lies

Top ten fibs told by mums

  1. 1 Carrots make you see in the dark.
  2. 2 We’re almost there.
  3. 3 If you don’t come now, I’ll leave you here.
  4. 4 If you sit too close to the TV your eyes will go square.
  5. 5 The chocolate has all gone.
  6. 6 It’s bedtime - 30 minutes earlier than usual.
  7. 7 It won’t hurt, I promise.
  8. 8 If you keep pulling that face when the wind blows it will stay that way.
  9. 9 Eating crusts will make your hair curly.
  10. 10 There are no replacement batteries for that toy.

Question Impossible

This is where I ask you a fairly tough question, in fact, it's nearly impossible.
Who is the most popular person on Facebook ?
Answer below.

Random Joke of the Day

I came so close to winning the Lottery last night. My next door neighbour won it.

That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing !

Fredric Baur invented the Pringles can. When he passed away in 2008, his ashes were buried in one.

Question Impossible - The Answer

Earlier I asked - Who is the most popular person on Facebook ?

It's Cristiano Renaldo with 120 million "friends"

Finish with a Song

Given the theme this is Fleetwood Mac with Little Lies released in 1987

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