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Friday 31 March 2017

Happy Saturday !

Today is the start of 30 poems in 30 days !!

National poetry writing month in April. 30 poems in 30 days. Have a look. http://www.napowrimo.net/about/ for more information.

Here is a breakdown

How do I participate in NaPoWriMo?
Easy! Just write a poem a day for the month of April. You can post them on the internet. You can hide them in a notebook. You can make up a special book just for yourself out of them. Really, all you need to do is write a poem a day for the month of April.
If you choose to post your work on the internet, you can submit your website for inclusion in our online roster of participants. See the “Submit Your Site” link above.

Can I participate in NaPoWriMo if I don’t have a website?
Sure! Nothing about writing 30 poems requires you to have a website. However, for purposes of the NaPoWriMo.net website, we are unable to list participants that do not have websites. The focus of this site is on providing interested people with links to websites where they can read NaPoWriMoers’ efforts.

I would like to participate, and to post my work online, but don’t have a website. Can you help me?
If you don’t have a website, and would like one, sites like Tumblr, Blogger, Weebly, and WordPress offer free blog services with easy-to-use templates. You can go from nothing to having your own blog (and posting your poems) in ten minutes or less. You can also post your poems elsewhere — to your Facebook page, for example!

Should I resubmit my website each day, linking specifically to each day’s poem?
No, that’s not necessary. The participant’s list is meant to be just that — a list of the participants, and not a list of all the poems written. You just need to submit the URL for your main site once. However, if you’d like to share your daily work with others, there are some great ways to do that! For example, you can share day-specific links in the comments to each day’s post on the NaPoWriMo homepage. You could also post your individual poems on Facebook, link to them via twitter, etc!

Can I organize a NaPoWriMo group at my local library, school, etc.? How do I do that?
There is no licensing process or fee for NaPoWriMo. If you want to organize a group to participate, that’s great! If you set up a website for your group, you can submit it to be listed on this site.

Are there prizes or money available for doing this?
Anyone who participates in NaPoWriMo is eligible for the prize of having written 30 new poems. There is also the awesome feeling of a job well done! But as for $$$, not so much.

I know someone who is posting poems for NaPoWriMo on his or her website, but you don’t have the site listed. Why not?
Probably because they haven’t submitted it. Anyone who wants to submit their site may, but we do not go out looking for people who might be writing a poem a day for April, and listing their sites in the absence of a submission. Individual NaPoWriMoers may not want their sites listed, or perhaps they just don’t know about this site. Go ahead and let them know, and they can decide whether they want their site included here.

Do I have to use your prompts?
Nope! The prompts we post each day are totally optional. Use ‘em if you like ‘em; ignore ‘em if you don’t.

So to kick us off !!!
Here's a poem from Susan McCartney .....a voice of love turned sour ?


The taste in my mouth is sweet
Words dipped with honey
Brush our lips
Dance in the air
Like spun sugar
The taste in my mouth is saccharine
Words, candy-coated, found false
Sully the mouth
Droop in the air
Synthetic imitations of love
The taste in my mouth is sour
Words like acid
Burn and seer
Like vicious claws
Drawing blood
The taste in my mouth is bitter
Words like ashes
Choke and gag
Brittle, dead, done
Like your love

Great stuff !!

So that's number 1
29 to go !

This blog, for the next 30 days is linked to the site -


So if you'd like to submit your work, and be read by a wider audience, please do via the contact button or email me at - neville.raper@gmail.com

Have a go !

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