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Wednesday, 19 July 2017

In Today's Issue

A piece by Anne Rhodes
Advice from Agony Aunt, Trudy Roundwindow
Amaaaaaazing Fact
Random Joke
Finish with a Song

Anne Rhodes Silver Liners Group summer 2013


I cannot bear this secrecy much more – so many people seem to breathe a smouldering shame. I

skulk in corners, suppressing my whole being. I cannot face the innuendo, the insinuations of those

out there, who seem to imply I’m ‘wrong’. I must explain, get rid of the evasion – expose my

feelings to those who think I am enigmatic. I am not! I am me! Their faces look at me and register

disgust, anger – they move away from me rather than be tainted by my presence. I am no different

than them – I live and breathe, and eat and sleep – I register emotion in exactly the same way as

everyone else. Surely I am not alone in a world of straight people! I am human and must move

forward in my journey to find myself.

Before today is out I must break out from my cover, stop sneaking round in a clandestine way. I

feel as though my whole life has been a charade – no! it has! By the end of the day I am determined

to throw off the cloak of “let’s pretend”. Will I have the courage to take this first step? No matter

that some of society will think I break the moral code, I have reached the stage where I must be

honest, not just with myself, but with others. I am moving forward to a different world, an honest

world – a joyful world where I can be myself.

Dear God, give me strength to do this without blush or stammer. Dad, Mum – I need to talk – I

need to tell you something. Today I’m coming out! Listen! I’m gay! I cannot help the way my

body works – the way I feel and think. I’m sorry, but I’m gay!

‘Did you really think we, who have known you for so long, would not recognise your feelings?’

said my mother.

‘Oh, son’ said my father, ’We love you exactly as you are. Never, ever, be ashamed of how you

feel. You are our son – and we will support you all the way.’

‘When you were young I used to dream of grandchildren following on – but in the same way you

have learned to know how your body feels, I have accepted there may not be grandchildren –

though there are ways round that, maybe!’

‘You might have to watch what you say to your Great Aunt Liza – you know what she’s like’ said

Dad with a grin. A watery grin, but a grin nonetheless.

‘Your friends – your real friends – accept you now (even though you might not realise it)....for the

rest, the old fashioned, the narrow minded – forget them and their grumbly foibles, some people

will make a mountain out of any molehill! So long as those who care, are caring – that is what is

important’ Mum said.

Why, oh why, did I worry my heart so? Those months and years when I kept hidden my thoughts,

my feelings? I have carried the weight of the world on my shoulders for so long – it is such comfort

to realise my world has changed merely because I was honest with myself and those around me. I

will be honest – I wept with relief when I heard the unconditional words of love from my parents. I

am not abnormal – I am not warped. If they have faith in me, so must others. Surely? Those are

descriptions used by narrow-minded people who have never had to face the looks and innuendos,

the fear and the scorn. Today I am truly happy. Today I could go to the top of a mountain and shout

‘I am gay’ and the world would clap and welcome me. From now on – I can be myself. I have still

to step out into the rest of that world – please God that they also will accept me. I’m scared in a
way – but I know this is the way I must go. The only way I can go, if I am to accept myself.

Advice Column with Aogony Aunt - Trudy Roundwindow.

Hi, today I've had a letter from a Mr Ray Kupleaves, who's asked.

Dear Trudy
I love to enter daytime TV quizes but I always seem to get them wrong,
can you advise.



Trudy Writes...

Of course I can Ray, I always follow this simple rule :-

A - Is always the answer
B - Rhymes with the answer
C - Is nothing to do with the question but is a veiled attempt of the producers idea of a joke



Amaaaaazing Fact

According to Amazon, the most highlighted Kindle books are the Bible, the Steve Jobs biography, and The Hunger Games.

( Hopefully mine will be up there too !!! lol )

Random Joke of the Day

I just saw a sign in the window of a shop saying 'SAL'. I thought to myself, 'they've got a sale with 25% off'.

Finish with a Song

This is the late George Michael with Outside, released in 1998

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Nev!! (had to read that joke twice, mind you!)
