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Monday 7 August 2017

Bloody Mary

In Today's Issue

A poem by today's guest, Susan McCartney.
Bloody Mary
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Random Joke of the Day
Finish with a Song

Bloody Mary by Susan McCartney

Mary, Mary
Quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells

And pretty maids all in a row

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary*
Cruel and scary
How does your graveyard grow?
Rotting corpses higher and higher
Ashes from each terrible fire
Of those who chose
Your views to oppose

The blind mice you ordained
To be cast to the flames
The bodies you abused
With silver thumbscrews

No cockle shells or silver bell
But torture instruments from hell
And ‘Maidens’ always ready
To slice your head from your body
Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary

So cruel, so scary

Bloody Mary

Mary I (18 February 1516 – 17 November 1558) was the Queen of England and Ireland from July 1553 until her death. Her executions of Protestants led to the posthumous sobriquet "Bloody Mary". She was the only child of Henry VIII by his first wife Catherine of Aragon to survive to adulthood.

5 Things about Queen Mary 1

Mary was engaged to be married, aged 2 and a half years old, to the French dauphin.

With her mother, Catherine of Aragon’s guidance, Mary was highly educated and widely praised for her accomplishments.

Throughout her life, Mary loved to gamble.

She was the first ever woman to be crowned queen of England.

Mary is buried beneath Elizabeth I in Westminster Abbey.

That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing

The act of stretching and yawning is called pandiculation.

Random Joke of the Day

Why do divers dive out of the boats backwards? Because if they dive forwards they will land in the boat.

Finish with a Song

Given the theme this is Mary's Prayer by Danny Wilson released in 1987