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Wednesday 2 August 2017

In Today's Issue

A poem by Janet Gardham - Capture the Moment
Random Joke of the Day
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaazing
Finish with a song

Capture the Moment by Janet Gardham.

I sit and reflect on the view far and wide

Thankful to be graced with such countryside
Nature settles as light fades away
Sun going down after a warm summer’s day.
It sparkles and glows like a cool Rose wine
Trees reach tall and talk to the sky.
Birds warble sweet songs to each other
Chicks scoot around, looking for mother.
Pastures green, a carpet of grass
Corn glows gold, like a treasure trove mass.
A regal swan moves slowly by
Neck so long head held high
Feathers white like fresh fallen snow
She catches fish as they swim too and fro
How do I grasp hold of this picture in time
To never let go and keep it in mind.


The earliest known permanent photographic image, was created by a process called heliography in 1826.

The exposure time needed to create that photograph was eight hours.
Thanks to digital cameras on mobile phones, more than 350 billion photos are now taken worldwide every year.
 Around 250 billion photographs have been uploaded to Facebook.
The first photo of the Moon was in 1851; the first photo of its dark side was in 1959.
The earliest known use of the word ‘photograph’ was in 1839 by the astronomer Sir John Herschel.
The earliest known use of the abbreviation ‘photo’ was by Queen Victoria in a letter in 1860.

My girlfriend's ex was a clown. Looks like I've got some pretty big shoes to fill.

There are 12 cameras on the surface of the moon.
During that trip when the man first landed on the moon in 1969 on Apollo 11, they brought 12 cameras to document their historic moon walk. They had to leave them behind to be able to carry the extra lunar rock sample weight back to earth.


Now available on Amazon ! My new book.... 

Available on Amazon, Paperback or Kindle Version.

Link - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1548896446/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500073463&sr=8-1&keywords=tales+of+the+unaccepted

About the Author

Neville Raper invented You Tube, has swum the channel twice and is a habitual liar.
He lives in Yorkshire, where just like the locals, he says what he likes and likes what he says.
Broadcaster, Author, blogger, Neville is an occasional stand-up, and regular sit down.

Message from the Author.

Hi, thank you for buying this book unless you stole it, then shame on you.
Seriously, I hope you enjoy the stories within. A lot of people ask where I get the ideas from so I’ve taken the liberty of sharing the inspiration of each one. I hope that this may inspire you to write your own.
I’d like to say that this has been a long hard road to get to this point, but honestly, it hasn’t. I find writing a pleasure and having my work read a joy.
My ultimate goal is to write something that I would like to read and by doing so, hopefully, something you will enjoy reading as well.
So sit back, dim the lights, but not so much that you can’t read, and come with me on a journey.
These are all stories of ‘what if.' for isn’t that what life is all about?

Yours Forever

Finish with a Song

This is Aztec Camera with Somewhere in my Heart, released in 1987.

1 comment:

  1. Great poem from Janet - Super stuff!!
    Neville - your book should be delivered today - there will be a tug of war as to who reads it first - me or Roy!!
