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Wednesday 9 August 2017

International Book Lovers Day

In Today's Issue

International Book Lovers Day
My latest release
Trivial Top 10
Random Joke of the Day
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Finish with a song

International Book Lovers Day

Today's the day we pay homage to all the bookworms and book lovers in your life. If you are a book lover yourself, then treat yourself to some quality reading time.

Studies have shown that reading can not only be entertaining, but can also have many health benefits. Reading helps reduce stress, keeps the brain sharp, and can help you sleep better. Scientists have also found that those who read are much more likely to be empathic and understanding of others.

So sit back relax and enjoy a good book ...... like :-

Available on Amazon, Paperback or Kindle Version.

Link https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1548896446/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500073463&sr=8-1&keywords=tales+of+the+unaccepted

About the Author

Neville Raper invented You Tube, has swum the channel twice and is a habitual liar.
He lives in Yorkshire, where just like the locals, he says what he likes and likes what he says.
Broadcaster, Author, blogger, Neville is an occasional stand-up, and regular sit down.

Message from the Author.

Hi, thank you for buying this book unless you stole it, then shame on you.
Seriously, I hope you enjoy the stories within. A lot of people ask where I get the ideas from so I’ve taken the liberty of sharing the inspiration of each one. I hope that this may inspire you to write your own.
I’d like to say that this has been a long hard road to get to this point, but honestly, it hasn’t. I find writing a pleasure and having my work read a joy.
My ultimate goal is to write something that I would like to read and by doing so, hopefully, something you will enjoy reading as well.
So sit back, dim the lights, but not so much that you can’t read, and come with me on a journey.
These are all stories of ‘what if.' for isn’t that what life is all about?

Yours Forever


Top customer reviews

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
Loved it...a lot of the stories had a twist which I really enjoyed. I also enjoyed the sneak preview of the next book.....
Comment  Looking for voting buttons? Sorry, we don't let customers vote on their own reviews.
Format: Paperback
Sinister,humorous,witty,thought provoking and a real page turner. If you enjoy the unexpected then this book is for you. An excellent read.

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
It was a pleasure to read this book. Neville Raper is clearly a genuinely funny man. His engaging and self-deprecating sense of humour runs through these stories, but this is a lot more than just a funny book. Some of these stories explore the dark side of life and have a powerful sting in the tail (and tale).
This is not run-of-the-mill fiction. It is different, quirky and original.
I enjoy Neville’s easy style. He says that he enjoys writing and it shows. He has a real way with words. He uses excellent imagery in these pages and reveals himself as an astute observer of mankind.
I look forward to reading more of the work of this very promising writer.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Great - I love short stories and these have good twists, unexpected endings and more - ideal for that train/bus journey to work. 

Top 10 Biggest Selling Books of All Time
(NB Religious books removed)

10 – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (85 million copies sold)
by C.S. Lewis

9 – She: A History of Adventure (100 million copies sold)
by H. Rider Haggard

8 – The Hobbit (100 million copies sold)
by J.R.R. Tolkien

7 – The Dream of the Red Chamber (100 million copies sold)
by Cao Xueqin

6 – And Then There Were None (100 million copies sold)
by Agatha Christie

5 – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (107 million copies sold)
by J.K. Rowling

4 – The Little Prince (142 million copies sold)
by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

3 – The Lord of the Rings (150 million copies sold)
by J.R.R. Tolkien

2 – A Tale of Two Cities (200 million copies sold)
by Charles Dickens

1 – Don Quixote (500 million copies sold
by Miguel de Cervantes

Random Joke of The Day

The wizard of oz is the ultimate chick flick, two women trying to kill each other over a pair of shoes.

If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the colour you'll see is called 'eigengrau.'

Finish with a Song
Given the theme, this is The Talking Heads with The Book I Read, released in 1977


  1. thanks for this usefull article, waiting for article like this again.

    1. Thank you for your comment and readership. If you like my content you can purchase my books on Amazon, Kindle or Kobo. Regards and best wishes Neville Raper
