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Thursday 30 March 2017

Thursday Thriller !

This piece of Flash Fiction is from Sharon Shields :-

Lightening flashed across the room.  He awoke with a start, blinking in the semi-darkness.  The figure in the bed had not moved, oblivious to the storm raging outside.  He sighed and reached out to touch her cheek.  It was cold.  He jumped, his heart racing.  Had she gone?  He touched her arm, icy and stiff despite his warm touch. 

“Nurse!” he howled “Help me! She’s gone.”

The door was flung open, its hinges screeching in protest.  The nurse rushed into the room, her rubber soled shoes squeaking on the polished floor.

“She’s gone, hasn’t she?” he cried, tears streaming unchecked down his stubbled cheeks.

She briefly nodded her head.  “She has, I’m sorry Bob.”

His head dropped as he sobbed harder.  She gently touched his shoulder, leading him away from the body in the bed, the doll he so lovingly tucked in every night, crooned to and called his daughter.  Poor Bob she thought.  His real daughter had died in a house fire caused by a lightning strike.  He’d been in the house alone with her and hadn’t been able to save her.

“Come on Bob, let’s get you some more tablets.” 

A great piece by Sharon.
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