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Saturday, 24 February 2018


In Today's Issue

Guns don't kill people
The thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
Finish with a Song

Americans own approximately 270 million guns, which gives America the highest rate of gun ownership with, 89 guns for every 100 people.

Approximately 20% of gun owners own 65% of the guns.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms reports that about 9.3 million firearms were manufactured in the United States in 2015

Gun-related deaths are now the third leading cause of death of American children.

Every day, 7 children are killed and 12 more are injured with a gun.

44% of Americans say they personally know someone who has been shot with a gun, either accidentally or intentionally.

About 40% of Americans say they own a gun or live in a household with one, according to a 2017 survey, and the rate of murder or manslaughter by firearm is the highest in the developed world. There were more than 11,000 deaths as a result of murder or manslaughter involving a firearm in 2016.

Who has the most guns

Three of the largest mass killings in the USA have been in the last year.

When there is a mass shooting sales of guns increase.

Guns don’t kill people
People kill people
Churches have roofs
Some have steeples

So then a man
Like a disciple
solves an argument
with an automatic rifle

A place of god of
community and peace
Blood ran on
The holy fleece

The flock of God
To the abattoir's slaughter
All for the hate of
Some man's daughter

Guns don’t kill people
But they make it quick
Wholesale murder
By the sick

Hoplophobia is a political neologism coined by retired American military officer Jeff Cooper as a pejorative to describe an "irrational aversion to weapons." It is also used to describe the "fear of firearms" or the "fear of armed citizens." Hoplophobia is a political term and not a recognised medical phobia. 

My thoughts go to those murdered in Florida. For whatever senseless reason, children, in their place of learning, had their lives snuffed out. 

I do not live in America so do not feel qualified to comment about their domestic laws. However, American statistics have shown that, since January this year, there has been a spree killing every week. Given this figure, surely, at least questions about gun ownership should be raised.

This week many more will lose, Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters...and for all of you my heart bleeds.

Whatever or whoever your God is, may he or it go with you.

Finish with a Song

This Amazing Grace...

Thursday, 22 February 2018

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Build

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Build: In Today's Construction Turn Build That's Amaaaaaaaaaazing Word Random Joke Finish with a Song Turn Is it t...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Build

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Build: In Today's Construction Turn Build That's Amaaaaaaaaaazing Word Random Joke Finish with a Song Turn Is it t...

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Build

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Build: In Today's Construction Turn Build That's Amaaaaaaaaaazing Word Random Joke Finish with a Song Turn Is it t...


In Today's Construction

That's Amaaaaaaaaaazing
Random Joke
Finish with a Song


Is it time to let it
The anchor, foundation of
Is it time to build on that broken
And, what should I build?
A tower?
A garden?
Roses, as red as my bleeding
It’s time to turn my back on what has
To cut the weeds, the cancerous growths of
I know my time is short
But, time is…
Let me be a Mayfly
In a lasting lifetime in my day of

When is the Eiffel Tower the highest?

The tower stands 320 meters (1,050 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-­s­torey build­ing. Because of thermal ex­pan­sion, the height varies by 15 cm (5.9 in) due to tem­per­a­ture.

What was special about the construction of the Empire State Building?

The Empire State Building took only one year and 45 days to build, or 7 million man-hours. To this day, this is a record for a sky­scraper of its height. Due to reduced costs during the De­pres­sion, the final costs totalled only $24.7 million instead of the es­ti­mat­ed $43 million.

Which skyscraper was the longest holder of the "World’s Tallest Building" title?

Empire State Building held the title for 42 years since 1931. It was sur­passed by the North Tower of the World Trade Center in 1972. An ear­ly-1970s proposal to dis­man­tle the spire and replace it with an ad­di­tion­al 11 floors, which would have made it once again the world's tallest at the time, was con­sid­ered but ul­ti­mate­ly re­ject­ed.

What is the longest and deepest tunnel in the world?

Tunnel da basa dal Son Gottard) is a railway tunnel through the Alps in Switzer­land. With a route length of 57.09 km (35.5 mi),it is the world's longest and deepest traffic tunnel and the first flat, low-lev­el route through the Alps.

The tallest structure built with interlocking plastic bricks measured 35.05 m (114 ft 11 in) and was achieved by Lego Italia (Italy), in Milan, Italy, on 21 June 2015.
An estimated 550,000 LEGO® bricks were used to complete the tower.

STRIKHEDONIA. The joy of not giving a damn.

The Mrs has left me because I'm too insecure.... 
No, wait she's back.... 
She was just making a cup of tea....


Starship - We Built This City

Monday, 19 February 2018

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Maraca Man

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Maraca Man: In Today's Dosset Box Issue Maraca Man Drugs That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Song ...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Maraca Man

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Maraca Man: In Today's Dosset Box Issue Maraca Man Drugs That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Song ...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Maraca Man

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Maraca Man: In Today's Dosset Box Issue Maraca Man Drugs That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Song ...

Maraca Man

In Today's Dosset Box Issue

Maraca Man
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Random Joke
Finish with a Song

Maraca Man

If you hear a rattle
don't be worried
It's meds in my system
they won't be hurried

I take so many there
in a jam
Lines up in my system
I'm the maraca man

Side effects and sweats
shakes and the shivers
They shoot through my bloodstream
like Robin Hood's quivers

I see my pills
so ordered so neat
Like an astronauts food
my freeze dried treats

In Colombia, illegal drug trading is worth around 10 Billion Dollars each year.

30% of world famous rock stars are dead because of extreme drug or alcohol use

In Holland, there are official institutions that you can bring your own drugs to get their quality checked.

In Singapore, possessing or using narcotic drugs is punished by the death penalty.

There is a special nail polish that was developed to detect drugs in your drink!

Every year over 100,000 babies are born addicted to cocaine in the USA.

In North Korea, marijuana is legal and it is not considered to be a narcotic drug.

In 1994, 75 bundles of cocaine were thrown from the air in Florida. Surprisingly, the cocaine bundles were thrown to an area where a summit against crime was happening.

Many antidepressants cause sexual side effects and limit the feelings of love and romance.

Only 1% of heroin addicts agree to go to rehab

In January 2011, it was reported that Colombian drug dealers had attempted to smuggle marijuana into a prison using a pigeon as a carrier. A 45-gramme (1.6-ounce) package was strapped to the pigeon and it was released in the direction of the Bucaramanga jail. The package, however, was too heavy for the bird, and it was found by police officers flapping on the ground near the prison. Inmates of the jail probably trained the bird, and they had been used previously to smuggle mobile phone SIM cards into the jail. 


This is the Verve, The Drugs Don't Work

Sunday, 18 February 2018

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : The Cat on the Mat

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : The Cat on the Mat: In Today's Feline Issue The Cat on the Mat Cats That's Amaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Song The Cat on The...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : The Cat on the Mat

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : The Cat on the Mat: In Today's Feline Issue The Cat on the Mat Cats That's Amaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Song The Cat on The...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : The Cat on the Mat

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : The Cat on the Mat: In Today's Feline Issue The Cat on the Mat Cats That's Amaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Song The Cat on The...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : The Cat on the Mat

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : The Cat on the Mat: In Today's Feline Issue The Cat on the Mat Cats That's Amaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Song The Cat on The...

The Cat on the Mat

In Today's Feline Issue

The Cat on the Mat
That's Amaaaaaaaazing
Random Joke
Finish with a Song

The Cat on The Mat

Einstein's Cat
It sat on the mat
Relative, but true
Schrodinger's Cat
Was dead on the mat
Or was it one of a two?

Which cat is alive?
Which one is dead?
The concept within
Confuses your head

If the cat on the mat
is the one that's alive
Then how did it die?
Or did it survive

I think the thesis
Maybe perturbing
I'm Pretty sure
The Mat was

  • Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth. Scientists believe this is due to a mutation in a key taste receptor.
  • When a cat chases its prey, it keeps its head level. Dogs and humans bob their heads up and down
  • The technical term for a cat’s hairball is a “bezoar.
  • A group of cats is called a “clowder.”
  • A cat can’t climb head first down a tree because every claw on a cat’s paw points the same way. To get down from a tree, a cat must back down.
  • Cats make about 100 different sounds. Dogs make only about 10
  • There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world, with approximately 40 recognized breeds
  • While it is commonly thought that the ancient Egyptians were the first to domesticate cats, the oldest known pet cat was recently found in a 9,500-year-old grave on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. This grave predates early Egyptian art depicting cats by 4,000 years or more.[8]
  • During the time of the Spanish Inquisition, Pope Innocent VIII condemned cats as evil and thousands of cats were burned. Unfortunately, the widespread killing of cats led to an explosion of the rat population, which exacerbated the effects of the Black Death.
  • During the Middle Ages, cats were associated with withcraft, and on St. John’s Day, people all over Europe would stuff them into sacks and toss the cats into bonfires. On holy days, people celebrated by tossing cats from church towers.
  • The first cat in space was a French cat named Felicette (a.k.a. “Astrocat”) In 1963, France blasted the cat into outer space. Electrodes implanted in her brains sent neurological signals back to Earth. She survived the trip.
  • The group of words associated with cat (cattcathchatkatze) stem from the Latin catus, meaning domestic cat, as opposed to feles, or wild cat.
  • The term “puss” is the root of the principal word for “cat” in the Romanian term pisica and the root of secondary words in Lithuanian (puz) and Low German puus. Some scholars suggest that “puss” could be imitative of the hissing sound used to get a cat’s attention. As a slang word for the female pudenda, it could be associated with the connotation of a cat being soft, warm, and fuzzy
  • According to Hebrew legend, Noah prayed to God for help protecting all the food he stored on the ark from being eaten by rats. In reply, God made the lion sneeze, and out popped a cat.
  • A cat’s hearing is better than a dog’s. And a cat can hear high-frequency sounds up to two octaves higher than a human.
  • A cat can travel at a top speed of approximately 31 mph (49 km) over a short distance.
  • A cat rubs against people not only to be affectionate but also to mark out its territory with scent glands around its face. The tail area and paws also carry the cat’s scent.
  • Researchers are unsure exactly how a cat purrs. Most veterinarians believe that a cat purrs by vibrating vocal folds deep in the throat. To do this, a muscle in the larynx opens and closes the air passage about 25 times per second.
  • When a family cat died in ancient Egypt, family members would mourn by shaving off their eyebrows. They also held elaborate funerals during which they drank wine and beat their breasts. The cat was embalmed with a sculpted wooden mask and the tiny mummy was placed in the family tomb or in a pet cemetery with tiny mummies of mice.
  • In 1888, more than 300,000 mummified cats were found an Egyptian cemetery. They were stripped of their wrappings and carted off to be used by farmers in England and the U.S. for fertilizer.
  • Most cats give birth to a litter of between one and nine kittens. The largest known litter ever produced was 19 kittens, of which 15 survived.

  • The longest domestic cat is Ludo at 118.33 cm (3 ft 10.59 in) long. He is owned by Kelsey Gill (UK) and was measured on 6 October 2015.

    For those of you who voted for Brexit, you will be pleased to know that thanks to today's earthquake, we are now 2cm further away from Europe.

    Finish with a Song
    This is the Cure, Love Cats

    Saturday, 17 February 2018

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Anxiety

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Anxiety: In Today's Nervous Issue Anxiety Demon Word to your Mother That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Son...

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Anxiety

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Anxiety: In Today's Nervous Issue Anxiety Demon Word to your Mother That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Son...

    Friday, 16 February 2018

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Anxiety

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Anxiety: In Today's Nervous Issue Anxiety Demon Word to your Mother That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Son...

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Anxiety

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Anxiety: In Today's Nervous Issue Anxiety Demon Word to your Mother That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with a Son...


    In Today's Nervous Issue

    Word to your Mother
    That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
    Random Joke
    Finish with a Song

    Variations of anxiety include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), agoraphobia, specific phobias, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

    Anxiety affects a sufferer physically as well as mentally. Some physical symptoms, especially during a panic attack, include shortness of breath, shaking, nausea, headache, rapid heartbeat, dizzy spells, and more.

    Surpassing even depression, anxiety is the most common form of mental illness. It’s estimated that approximately 10 percent of teenagers and 40 percent of adults suffer from an anxiety disorder of some kind.

    Despite its high level of treatability through therapy and/or medication, 2/3 of adults with anxiety do not receive treatment. Teenagers with anxiety receive treatment even less frequently – only 1 in 5 teen sufferers do.

    Biological factors contributing to anxiety are still being studied, but brain scans of people suffering with various anxiety disorders have often shown evidence of chemical imbalances

    Statistically, women are more commonly afflicted by anxiety disorders than men

    Rather than being simple fears, phobias are seriously debilitating, intense feelings of panic that cause sufferers to go to great lengths to avoid encountering the subject of their phobia, such as heights or tightly enclosed spaces.

    War veterans are not the only ones who suffer from PTSD. Others who commonly experience post-traumatic anxiety, including flashbacks, are survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, accidents, or natural disasters.

    Closely related to OCD are various “manias,” or compulsions, which include, among others, pyromania, and trichotillomania. These are, respectively, the uncontrollable, continuous urges to start fires, and pull out one’s hair, eyebrows, or eyelashes.

    Those who suffer from anxiety are prone to suffering from depression simultaneously.
    Although anxiety disorders can be triggered by extended environmental stress or traumatic life events, anyone can be afflicted with this form of mental illness.

    My dark demons run up my spine
    I feel the pins and needles as they
    Prick me with pitchforks of my past
    They clamber over each other
    To whisper in my ear.
    Voices from another life
    They tell me that I am filth.
    They tell me that I am hurt.
    They tell me that I am nothing
    They tell me I am dirt.
    God help me…
    I believe them all.

    Word of the day: BANRÁNAÍ (Irish) - someone who complains and complains but doesn't confront the problem directly


    A grand total of 542 caped crusaders donned their best costumes as part of an effort to raise funds and awareness for a local United Way — an altruistic act that could’ve put a smile on even Bruce Wayne's face.

    I have just accidentally knocked a lady over in Dominos Pizza....... Well, I say one...



    Monday, 12 February 2018

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Clean Your Computer Day

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Clean Your Computer Day: In Today's Dirty Issue International Clean Your Computer Day Virus Virus Facts That's Amaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish w...

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Clean Your Computer Day

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Clean Your Computer Day: In Today's Dirty Issue International Clean Your Computer Day Virus Virus Facts That's Amaaaaaazing Random Joke Finish w...

    International Clean Your Computer Day

    In Today's Dirty Issue

    International Clean Your Computer Day
    Virus Facts
    That's Amaaaaaazing
    Random Joke
    Finish with a Song

    Clean Out Your Computer Day is a day to logically review, and delete old files and programs.

    Most of us add programs and files to our computer with reckless abandon. After all, computers have huge storage capacity.  Many of these files and programs are forgotten over time. Overtime they clog memory and cause confusion during retrieval and use of other files. And, some may slow down your computer.

    Somewhere along the way, a (most likely) computer geek or service person, created this day as an opportunity for us to remember to cleanup and delete old and unused files.


    My laptop got a virus
    I was surprised that it could
    I tried to give paracetamol
    But it did it no good

    I poured in chicken soup
    It works with my cold
    But it just started fizzing
    And the keyboard developed mold

    I stuck in the bath
    All soapy nice and hot
    But it did not seem to like that
    Oh, it certainly did not.

    And now its sound asleep
    It doesn't want to stir
    I think I've killed the hard drive
    As it no longer makes a whir

    I'll have to get some software
    to inoculate it better
    And make sure it stays dry
    and never gets wetter.

    I hope I haven't killed
    my little robot mate
    It the virus I didn't like
    and those hackers that I hate!

    About 70% of people, who prepare and disseminate computer viruses, are part of an organized crime syndicate. That means that their motives may be a lot more sinister that you could ever imagine.

    About 40% of all households contain at least one computer, which is infected with a virus. That means that many of us are literally walking on ice. What is really frightening is the fact that many who are affected do not even know that their systems are infected.

    About 90% of all emails are infected with some type of malware. The people that send and receive it are often unaware of what is going on until it is too late.

    The “MyDoom” computer virus was the most costly malware ever made. It is estimated that it caused losses of up to $38.5 billion. That is a lot more than many third world countries make in a full year.
    First human infected with a computer virus On 27 May 2010, Mark Gasson (UK) from the University of Reading,UK, announced that he had implanted an RFID(radio frequency identification)chip into his hand, which he then infected with a computer virus.

    I grew up in a rough area. When I was a kid people used to cover me in Chocolate and cream and put a Cherry on top of my head.

    Life was tough in the Gateau


    This is -

    Miley VIRUS - Wrecking Ball

    Sunday, 11 February 2018

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Make a Friend Day

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Make a Friend Day: In Today's Chummy Issue International Make a Friend Day Friends Friend Facts That's Amaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with...

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Make a Friend Day

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Make a Friend Day: In Today's Chummy Issue International Make a Friend Day Friends Friend Facts That's Amaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with...

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Make a Friend Day

    The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Make a Friend Day: In Today's Chummy Issue International Make a Friend Day Friends Friend Facts That's Amaaaaazing Random Joke Finish with...

    International Make a Friend Day

    In Today's Chummy Issue

    International Make a Friend Day
    Friend Facts
    That's Amaaaaazing
    Random Joke
    Finish with a Song

    Do you have enough friends? The answer should be no. 

    No matter how many friends we have, more of them increases our wealth. That's because friends are one of life's valuable assets. 'You just can't have too many friends.

    Make a Friend Day is a great opportunity to meet someone new or do something to make a new friend.

    Making a new friend can be easier to do than you think. There must be a gazillion ways to make new friends. It often helps by smiling and just being friendly or helpful.

    Spend "Make a Friend Day" being just being friendly, and by doing special or nice things for others.

    Oh, by the way.... I hope that you will be my friend!

    Thank you for reading
    You are oh so clever
    For my mission to you
    My only endeavour

    Is to make you smile
    And also think
    Even though
    My rhymes might stink

    But you know better
    Coz you’re so bright
    To read my page
    Both day and night

    My friend, my pal
    My chum, my mate
    I love you all
    And think you’re great

    So thanks again
    You beautiful folk
    Let's enjoy a laugh
    And share a joke

    The cast of six was originally meant to be four.

    Courteney Cox is the only regular cast member who never got an Emmy nomination for the show.

    Before the show had been cast, Monica and Joey were intended to be the central couple.

    The real address of the Friends' apartment, as used in the exterior shots, is 90 Bedford Street in Manhattan's West Village.

    The only person who wasn't a fan of the show's iconic 'The Rachel' haircut was Jennifer Aniston herself.

    Phoebe was originally conceived as a goth girl.

    Right before the show premiered, the cast took a group trip to Vegas for one last taste of anonymity.

    The refrigerators in both apartments really worked.

    The show had many names before settling with the name Friends:- Friends Like Us, Six of One, Across the Hall, Once Upon a Time in the West Village and Insomnia Cafe.
    "Shiny Happy People" by REM was the original choice for the Theme Song for the show and was used in the pilot when the show was still called Friends Like Us.
    The Producers David Crane and Marta Kauffman co-wrote "I'll be there for you" with Phil Solem and Danny Wilde of the Rembrandts. Used for the theme song for all ten series.
    In 1995, the song reached number 1 in the Billboard Hot 100 Airplay chart for eight weeks.
    Ellen DeGeneres turned down the role of Phoebe.
     Matt LeBlanc started going grey in his twenties and had to have his hair dyed throughout the series.
    The final episode was watched by 52.46 million viewers and is ranked fourth most watch TV finale in US History.

    The longest friendship bracelet measures 660.48 m (2,166 ft 11.16 in) and was created by Benchmark Senior Living (USA) in Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA on 3 August 2016.

    I've had it up to here with visualization jokes.

    This is the Rembrandts with I'll be there for You