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Monday, 30 July 2018

Feeling Blue

In Today's Issue

My Black Dog
Facts about Depression
How to Help Yourself
Random Joke of the Day
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
New Release

May I speak my Mind

A mental condition characterized by feelings of severe despondency and dejection, typically also with feelings of inadequacy and guilt, often accompanied by lack of energy and disturbance of appetite and sleep.


Black, Blacker, Blackish, Blacked

I hate your weight your

Metal hat

You push me down

On to my knees

My iconoclastic surreal disease

You stop me being

You make me hurt

The scars run deep

I am the dirt.

I live a lie

Reconstructed truth

You eat my age

Consume my youth

You change reality

I am a clown of blood soaked


A player with an empty frown

One real truth

I will let you down

Facts About Depression
Depression distorts your thinking. When you are depressed, your mind can play tricks on you. If you have thoughts of suicide, please call someone immediately. Don't let a temporary glitch in your thinking cause you to harm yourself or another.

Depression makes it hard to give. It's very hard to think of other people when you're wrapped in a prickly blanket of sadness, and all you can think about is your own pain. Be proactive and just a few steps you need to heal. Try reading a book to help you understand what you are going through and how best to deal with it.
Alcohol is a depressant. So are marijuana and a host of other recreational or street drugs. Self-medication is not going to get you better and will surely make you worse over time. Remember that all medications, including anti-depressants, have side effects.
People don't choose to be depressed, but they do make a choice about how to deal with it. You can choose to do nothing, but denying that you have a problem will only make you feel worse. Choose to just make one step, just one and if it feels okay, try it again. That's how many people get through it.
The origin of depression can be situational and/or bio-chemical. If you are experiencing mild to moderate situational depression (resulting from the loss of a job, for example), counseling will help you. Most bio-chemical depressions that are moderate to severe are best treated with a combination of medicine and psychotherapy.
Depression can be as hard on your loved ones as it is on you. Those closest to you may start to feel unloved, and may distance themselves so they aren't pulled into your pain. Remember that others are counting on you.
Exercise is the easiest and least expensive cure for depression. Just walking 30 minutes a day will help you and sometimes completely alleviate your symptoms. For this very reason, many therapists take walks with clients instead of doing "couch time."

Ways to help Yourself
(source Mind)
Look after yourself
  • Get good sleep. For lots of people who experience depression, sleeping too little or too much can be a daily problem. Getting good sleep can help to improve your mood and increase your energy levels. 
  • Eat well. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can help you feel well, think clearly and increase your energy levels. 
  • Keep active. Many people find exercise a challenge but gentle activities like yoga, swimming or walking can be a big boost to your mood. 

Practise self-care

  • Work out what makes you happy. Try making a list of activities, people and places that make you happy or feel good. Then make a list of what you do every day. It probably won't be possible to include all the things that make you happy but try to find ways to bring those things into your daily routine.
  • Treat yourself. When you're feeling down, it can be hard to feel good about yourself. Try to do at least one positive thing for yourself every day. This could be taking the time for a long bath, spending time with a pet or reading your favourite book. See our relaxation tips for some ideas of things to do.
  • Be kind to yourself. None of us achieve all our goals. Don't beat yourself up if you don't do something you planned to, or find yourself feeling worse again. Try to treat yourself as you would treat a friend, and be kind to yourself.

Keep active

  • Join a group. This could be anything from a community project or a sports team to a hobby group. The important thing is to find an activity you enjoy, or perhaps something you've always wanted to try, to help you feel motivated.
  • Try new things. Trying something new, like starting a new hobby, learning something new or even trying new food, can help boost your mood and break unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour.
  • Try volunteering. Volunteering (or just offering to help someone out) can make you feel better about yourself and less alone. 
  • Set realistic goals. Try to set yourself achievable goals, like getting dressed every day or cooking yourself a meal. Acheiving your goals can help you feel good and boost your self-confidence, and help you move on to bigger ones.

Challenge your low mood

  • Keep a mood diary. This can help you keep track of any changes in your mood, and you might find that you have more good days than you think. It can also help you notice if any activities, places or people make you feel better or worse.

Random Joke of the Day

I gave a brilliant speech today to a group of backpackers. They were on the edge of their seats.

That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing

There is a McDonald's on every continent except Antarctica


Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls... I present to you :-

The follow up to the award winning 'Tales of the Unaccepted'.
This time there are double the pages and double the twists...

I deal with a diverse number of subjects, such as....

The secret of Love...Vinegar ?
Networks... They are important, especially at 60,000 feet
What have magic and terrorism got in common ?
What if you ordered a ghost on Ebay but you couldn't open the packaging
How to get away with the perfect murder....a step too far ?

As usual there is a think, but pumping, vein of humour running through this release.

It may make you smile, it may make you think...it will make you shudder !!

On Amazon paperback and kindle now, we be released on other platforms soon..


Do You Want To Be Published ?

Get Published !!

This is YOUR CHANCE to get your story or poem in print in a published book that you can hold, read and share. 

We currently support a Mental Health charity. In order to raise funds for them, they have asked if we could put a book together containg their poetry, stories about mental health and how it effects them and/or their families.
The books theme will be about mental health, depression, but that doesn't mean you need to submit writing about that subject (but it would help lol)

THERE IS NO CHARGE OR COST TO YOU AT ALL. We are confident that the sales will cover the set up cost that we will pay up front! We want nothing from you other than your writing. We would like to have this book ready by no later than November so we can get it out for Xmas ( How nice would it be to give a present of your writing to a loved one ) 

Simply send your work to 'talesoftheunaccepted@gmail.com'....Please feel free to share this, with your own friends list so that they may get this opportunity...We've all got a book in us, now is the time to see it in print.

If you have an idea, but it's not ready yet, just let us know and we will book a slot in the book for you...

Saturday, 28 July 2018


In today's Issue

Facts about Homelessness
Joke of the Day
Amaaaaazing fact

New Release
Get Published

People talk about freedom
But what do they mean
Freedom for decisions
To pursue your own dream

I know freedom
What it’s like to be free
With no responsibilities
Just I.  myself and me

A romantic image
I’m King of the road
But it’s not that, No house,
no home no dry abode

Freedom to be alone
Freedom from love
Freedom from care
Freedom from above

People make assumptions
Based on what they see
Drunk, drugged lazy
Well that wasn’t me

Made redundant
No fault of my own
lost my home to bankers
who pulled all my loans

A partner who gave up
To her cash machine
From £50 k to nothing
Left with freedom but not a bean.

Freedom is just another
Word with nothing left to lose
Freedom to be nothing
Dead within the blues.

So enjoy your freedom
That sits in your head
Whilst you snuggle up
Free from freedom in your own warm bed

Facts about Homelessness

Not everyone who becomes homeless is entitled to be housed.
In England councils only have a duty to find somewhere for a person to live if they have a ‘priority need’. This includes families with children, people in an emergency after a flood or fire, or who are “vulnerable” for various other reasons. In addition, they must not have deliberately done or failed to do anything that caused them to become homeless.
Around 58,000 households were accepted by councils as entitled to be housed in 2015/16. This number has been rising since 2009/10, and is up by a third since 2010/11.
However, it’s 57% below the level of 2003/04, when 135,000 households were accepted.
People who are legally homeless are “rarely” on the streets, according to the Department for Communities and Local Government. We don’t have definitive statistics for how many people are sleeping rough.
In England the number of people sleeping rough is a snapshot taken in autumn each year. Councils count or estimate the number of people sleeping rough in their area. Most authorities talk to local agencies and give an estimate.
Last year, 3,600 people were estimated to be sleeping rough in England. This is 30% higher than in 2014, and double the estimate of 1,800 for 2010 (the earliest comparable data).

Random Joke of the Day

We now live in an age where it's more important to delete history, than it is to make it.

That's Amazing

In 2014 Netflix spent £($) 0.00 Marketing its online video service, but, over 6 million people used it.


Released TODAY

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls... I present to you :-

The follow up to the award winning 'Tales of the Unaccepted'.
This time there are double the pages and double the twists...

I deal with a diverse number of subjects, such as....

The secret of Love...Vinegar ?
Networks... They are important, especially at 60,000 feet
What have magic and terrorism got in common ?
What if you ordered a ghost on Ebay but you couldn't open the packaging
How to get away with the perfect murder....a step too far ?

As usual there is a think, but pumping, vein of humour running through this release.

It may make you smile, it may make you think...it will make you shudder !!

On Amazon paperback and kindle now, we be released on other platforms soon..


Do You Want To Be Published ?

Get Published !!

This is YOUR CHANCE to get your story or poem in print in a published book that you can hold, read and share. 

We currently support a Mental Health charity. In order to raise funds for them, they have asked if we could put a book together containg their poetry, stories about mental health and how it effects them and/or their families.
The books theme will be about mental health, depression, but that doesn't mean you need to submit writing about that subject (but it would help lol)

THERE IS NO CHARGE OR COST TO YOU AT ALL. We are confident that the sales will cover the set up cost that we will pay up front! We want nothing from you other than your writing. We would like to have this book ready by no later than November so we can get it out for Xmas ( How nice would it be to give a present of your writing to a loved one ) 

Simply send your work to 'talesoftheunaccepted@gmail.com'....Please feel free to share this, with your own friends list so that they may get this opportunity...We've all got a book in us, now is the time to see it in print.

If you have an idea, but it's not ready yet, just let us know and we will book a slot in the book for you...

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Released TODAY

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls... I present to you :-

The follow up to the award winning 'Tales of the Unaccepted'.
This time there are double the pages and double the twists...

I deal with a diverse number of subjects, such as....

The secret of Love...Vinegar ?
Networks... They are important, especially at 60,000 feet
What have magic and terrorism got in common ?
What if you ordered a ghost on Ebay but you couldn't open the packaging
How to get away with the perfect murder....a step too far ?

As usual there is a think, but pumping, vein of humour running through this release.

It may make you smile, it may make you think...it will make you shudder !!

On Amazon paperback and kindle now, we be released on other platforms soon..
