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Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Its the day after the horror that was Valentines Day, so obviously today is international :-

Singles Awareness Day

Singles Awareness Day is for those who are unattached, and without a significant other. It is celebrated the day after Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day, celebrates love and romance for those  currently in a relationship. However, if you  are in between relationships, and without a significant other, you may feel left out. Valentine's Day can be a depressing day. So, the day after Valentine's Day is your day.

Singles Awareness Day traditions include:
  • Singles get together. It's a chance to meet.
  • Singles give each other gifts
  • Spend a little time in online dating sites
  • You can celebrate and enjoy the fact that you are unattached.
Positives of today -

Chocolate will be half price !!!
You can spend all day in your pants, or someone elses !
You can sleep around.....by that I mean around the bed.....obviously
One night stand !? forget it, you can have two, either side of the bed !
You can fart to your hearts content...
The TV remote is yours !!!!

So enjoy this day...........and think of the money you've saved !