Writing Tip - "Good Writing"
So, we have gone through character and "show not tell", We'll now look at what makes a good story :-
What Should Good Writing Do :-
Writing should :-
Take the reader on a journey
Move the reader
Make the reader think
Not be over wordy
Relevant - Both to the story and the "truth" of the character
Make you want to read on
Show not tell.
Entertain !
I like cooking my family and pets
Of course commas are important, but, when you start to write don't worry about this. Just let your writing flow, you can correct mistakes later.
It's always helpful to have a friend check your early drafts, sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees.
If that's not possible then there are some great sites that will provide a basic check for you.
I use :- www.grammarly.com It's totally free and will check major faults.
As usual, if you'd like me to check your work, I will, free of charge as long as you subscribe to this Blog.
Next time, we will look at story types.
Get writing !