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Thursday, 13 April 2017

Thirteen on Thursday ! it's day 13 of 30 poems in 30 days !!

Today's guest poet is Lexiconist Lynda McCraight 

Tying the Knot
I tied a knot in a plastic bag
But I can’t remember why...
Was it to remind me to go somewhere?
Or remind me of something to buy?

To jog my memory about someone to phone,
Or a “Memo to Self” to pay a bill,
A trigger for how to survive on my own
Or a visual nudge to take a pill?

Was it done in a rush when I hadn’t got a pen
So I tied it in an attempt to recall
That Christmas has come and gone again
And my cards need taking down in the hall?

Or was it to prompt me to take food from the freezer
So it’s got time to defrost before tea?
Or a timely reminder to let the cat back in?
I only put her out for a wee!

Or maybe it was meant to subtly hint
There’s a basket of ironing still to do,
Or my hair needs a wash and some kind of style
Before the kettle goes on for a brew.

Is it a letter I’ve stamped that must catch the post,
Or an email in need of urgent reply?
Or an appointment to make before the end of next week
For ear, nose, throat, tooth or eye?

Are there tickets for a show and I still need to pay
Or some library books well overdue?
Is it a garment I’ve taken to be dry cleaned
Or the need to pick up a down-at-heel shoe?

Maybe there’s a pile of papers for the bin
Or a charity bag full of clothes.
Oh God – I’ve remembered what it is –

I tied a knot because you proposed!

Interesting Facts About Memory ( That I can remember )

Scientific research has shown that the human brain starts remembering things from the womb—memory begins to work 20 weeks after conception.

Memory has two components—short term and long term.  Most short-term memories only last 20 to 30 seconds.

Memory is influenced by a variety of factors.  Memory based on what you saw vs what you hear is called visual and auditory memory

The storage capacity of the human brain is virtually limitless

Caffeine doesn’t maintain memory performances, it only increases alertness.

It is believed that an adult can remember twenty to one hundred thousand words

Sleep is important to memory.  Although scientists don’t know exactly how it affects the brain, it has been shown that sleep aids storage and retrieval of long-term memories.

Many people associate memory loss with aging.  However, the memory loss we see the older we get is generally because we tend to exercise our brains less as we age.

Your memory can associate a scent with a certain event or occurrence.  A smell can trigger the memory in your mind associated with it.  The hippocampus is the part of the brain largely responsible for the formation of new memories and directly interacts with our sense of smell.

There is such a thing as “false memory”.  Researchers are beginning to understand that the human mind can create, exaggerate, distort, or re-invent a memory after a traumatic experience or something that impacted them greatly

The mind must be exercised just like any other muscle in the body.  The harder you think about a memory, the more likely you are to remember it accurately.  Thinking will create a stronger link between active neurons

We are more likely to remember the information that is provided if it is in a weird, difficult-to-read font.

Poetry Challenge

NaPoWriMo, or National Poetry Writing Month, is an annual project in which participating poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April.
This blog is linked to the site and is quoted on it, therefore any work submitted here will receive a much larger audience !!

So go on.....have a go !!.

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