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Monday, 15 May 2017

Happy Monday All

In today's Issue :-

A piece of Flash Fiction From the Amazing Anne Rhodes
Facts About Fish
Question Impossible
Fish Shops !

A 100 word short story by Anne Rhodes -

FISHING    by Anne Rhodes

A 2” stream, whispering past the stones in the stream-bed – safely within the sight of their small caravan, but a million miles away in his imagination. Fishing in this stream with a thin line & a pin is six-year-old Simon’s favourite pastime, whilst dreaming always of catching Moby Dick, or a big crocodile. The pin has to be attached with such care – otherwise the weight of a big fish just might pull it away from the line. A tug on the line – heady success! Last week he only hooked a plastic bag – this week a tiny crayfish!

Facts About Fish 

  • Most fish reproduce by laying eggs, though some fish, such as great white sharks, give birth to live babies called pups.
  • Lungfish can live out of water for several years. It secretes a mucus cocoon and burrows itself under the unbaked earth. It takes in air with its lung through a built-in breathing tube that leads to the surface. A lungfish has both gills and a lung.
  • Some fish, such as the great white shark, can raise their body temperature. This helps them hunt for prey in cold water.
  • The oldest known age for a fish was an Australian lungfish. In 2003, it was still alive and well at 65 years old.
  • Fish use a variety of low-pitched sounds to convey messages to each other. They moan, grunt, croak, boom, hiss, whistle, creak, shriek, and wail. They rattle their bones and gnash their teeth. However, fish do not have vocal chords. They use other parts of their bodies to make noises, such as vibrating muscles against their swim bladder
  • ish can form schools containing millions of fish. They use their eyes and something called a lateral line to hold their places in the school. The lateral line is a row of pores running along the fish’s sides from head to tail. Special hairs in the pores sense changes in water pressure from the movements of other fish or predators.
  • Starfish are not fish. Neither are jellyfish.
  • Since a fish’s jaw is not attached to its skull, many fishes can shoot their mouths forward like a spring to catch startled prey.
  • Electric eels and electric rays have enough electricity to kill a horse.
  • Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids.
  • Fish have sleep-like periods where they have lowered response to stimuli, slowed physical activity, and reduced metabolism but they do not share the same changes in brain waves as humans do when they sleep.
  • Some fish, such as the herbivorous fish (grazers), often lack jaw teeth but have tooth-like grinding mills in their throats called pharyngeal teeth.
  • Most fish have taste buds all over their body.
  • An estimated one third of male fish in British waters are changing sex due to pollution in human sewage !!!?????
  • Saltwater fish need to drink more water than freshwater fish. Since seawater is saltier than the liquids in a fish’s body, water inside the fish is constantly flowing out. If they didn’t drink to replace the lost water, saltwater fish would dry up like prunes.
  • The oldest fishhook ever found dates back to about 42,000 years ago.
  • Most fish have little salt in them. Sharks, however, have meat as salty as the ocean they live in.
  • Most brands of lipstick contain fish scales.
  • Most fish can see in colour and use colours to camouflage themselves or defend themselves and their territory. Most fish have the best possible eyesight for their habitat and can most certainly see you peering at them in a fish tank. Some fish can see polarized and ultraviolet light.
  • A fish does not add new scales as it grows, but the scales it has increase in size. In this way, growth rings are formed and the rings reveal the age of a fish.

  • Question Impossible
    This is where I ask you a question.....you won't get it, unless you cheat, and let's be fair most people do....!!
    What is the most common bird on the planet ? ( and it's not Tracy who lives at number 26 ! )
    Answer Below..

    Totally Puntastic Chip Shop Names

    A Salt N Battered, in Sheffield, Yorkshire.

    Frying Nemo, in Goole, Yorkshire.

    Fin City, in Kilburn, north London.

    A Fish Called Rhondda, in Ton Pentre, Rhondda.

    Chip-in-Dales, in Otley, Yorkshire.

    The Codfather, in Southampton.

    The Batter of Bosworth, in Nuneaton, Wawrickshire.

    The Plaice to Be, in Pitlochry, Scotland.

    Oh My Cod in Tipton, West Midlands.

    The Frying Squad, in Hither Green, south London.

    Codrophenia, in Sheffield, Yorkshire.

    Battersea Cod's Home, in Sheffield, Yorkshire.

    Question Impossible Answer

    The most common bird on the planet is.......

    The Chicken !!

    There are 19 billion chickens on the planet according to the United Nations. The Nation with the highest chicken to human ratio is Bahrain. The gulf nation apparently has 40 chickens for every person.

    Hope you enjoyed.....feedback is appreciated !