Happy Wednesday
In today's Issue
It's all about Popcorn...
Question Impossible
Finish with a Song
Did you know -
Popcorn by Hot Butter, released in 1972 !!
In today's Issue
It's all about Popcorn...
Question Impossible
Finish with a Song
Did you know -
Popcorn has a very long and varied history. Historians believe that corn whose kernels could be popped was first cultivated around 5000 B.C.E in Mexico. Archeologists have found evidence of first popcorn maker – a utensil with holes and a handle – dating back to 400 C.E. in Peru
In many indigenous cultures, corn and popcorn were used for religious purposes and decoration.
popcorn is the official snack food of the State of Illinois, United States.
Popcorn has more protein than any other cereal grain. It also has more iron than eggs or roast beef. It has more fibre than pretzels or crisps.
What's the difference between popcorn and pea soup?
Anyone can pop corn, but you can't pee soup.
This is a pretty hard question.....it's nearly impossible, can you answer it ?
According to The Guinness Book of Records, how big was the largest box of popcorn ?
Answer Below....
Here's a little poem about popcorn -
Sweet or salty
Buttery or dry
Popcorn in the pan
Watch it fly
It jumps in the air
Like fleas on a dog
Teeny tiny treats
Albino frogs
But some don't leap
Some don't pop
Kernels of corn
That are a flop
They lay there and hide
Hidden in the feast
Camouflaged rocks
Teeth breaking beasts !
Neville Raper
Question Impossible
So I asked,
According to The Guinness Book of Records, how big was the largest box of popcorn ?
The largest box of popcorn was achieved by Cineplexx (International) with a volume of 52.59m³ (1857 ft³), which was filled in 1 hour and 57 minutes at an event outside Avenue Mall in Osijek, Croatia, on 16 April 2011.
That's a lot of butter !!
Finish With a Song
This is one of the first synthesiser songs.Popcorn by Hot Butter, released in 1972 !!