In Today's Issue
Day of the Dead
Walking Ted
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Word of the Day
Random Joke
DAY of the DEAD
WHAT IS DAY OF THE DEAD? Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a celebration of life and death. While the holiday originated in Mexico, it is celebrated all over Latin America with colorful calaveras (skulls) and calacas (skeletons).
Day of the Dead originated several thousand years ago with the Aztec, Toltec, and other Nahua people, who considered mourning the dead disrespectful. For these pre-Hispanic cultures, death was a natural phase in life’s long continuum. The dead were still members of the community, kept alive in memory and spirit—and during Día de los Muertos, they temporarily returned to Earth. Today’s Día de los Muertos celebration is a mash-up of pre-Hispanic religious rites and Christian feasts. It takes place on November 1 and 2—All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day on the Catholic calendar.
Ted is dead
He knows that’s bad
He smells a bit
And feels quite bad
Bits of him are
Getting runny
And there’s a massive
Hole in his tummy
He thinks he knows
Zombie rules
But he’s not quite
If they’re for ghouls
He’s quite hungry
And fancies brains
Not a vamp
He dislikes veins
And so he walks
Though really slow
An easy target
For some crossbow
So Ted keeps walking
And never ceases
Until he finally
Drop to pieces
Zombie Facts ???
You can’t drown them.
They’re dead, right? So drowning them, or trying to, is a waste of time. I don’t know if they would simply walk along the bottom of a lake, river or moat, and lurch up the other side, but being underwater isn’t going to be a solution. Besides, who wants to risk a lake full of zombie carp?
They’re dead, right? So drowning them, or trying to, is a waste of time. I don’t know if they would simply walk along the bottom of a lake, river or moat, and lurch up the other side, but being underwater isn’t going to be a solution. Besides, who wants to risk a lake full of zombie carp?
They can still react.
Not think, really, but they can see, hear, and until the rot reaches their nasal cavities, smell. So, you can’t hide yourself and your location by simply stretching a tarp over an otherwise open window or doorway. You have to do better than that. They’re dead, not inert.
Not think, really, but they can see, hear, and until the rot reaches their nasal cavities, smell. So, you can’t hide yourself and your location by simply stretching a tarp over an otherwise open window or doorway. You have to do better than that. They’re dead, not inert.
It’s not just infection.
Before the surge in zombie research, there was one commonly accepted origin of zombies: voodoo. So, the next time you are thinking of booking a cruise that stops in ports where voodoo is a commonly accepted practice, think again.
Before the surge in zombie research, there was one commonly accepted origin of zombies: voodoo. So, the next time you are thinking of booking a cruise that stops in ports where voodoo is a commonly accepted practice, think again.
There are no pack zombies.
With no real social order, zombies don’t travel in packs. However, what catches the eye of one zombie is likely to ensnare the attention of the next one along, too. So, where there’s one, there are probably more. They just aren’t there together.
With no real social order, zombies don’t travel in packs. However, what catches the eye of one zombie is likely to ensnare the attention of the next one along, too. So, where there’s one, there are probably more. They just aren’t there together.
The head is the goal, but there are ways to get there.
Since zombies don’t have firearms, they have to reach you to infect you. That means that if you remove the means of locomotion, you can run or reload. So, with a stout enough cartridge you can take a pelvic or thigh bone shot, drop them to the ground, and finish them off as they pull themselves towards you — they aren’t going to stop, remember?
Fire is bad.
Yes, unlike drowning, fire will kill a zombie, but that’s the meager good news. The bad news is, it won’t notice being on fire — they’re dead, how many times do I have to repeat that? — so it will simply spread the fire everywhere they shamble. Put down that Molotov cocktail.
Yes, unlike drowning, fire will kill a zombie, but that’s the meager good news. The bad news is, it won’t notice being on fire — they’re dead, how many times do I have to repeat that? — so it will simply spread the fire everywhere they shamble. Put down that Molotov cocktail.
The idea of zombies.
They entered our awareness, with that word, in 1929, in a novel. That same year, the stock market crashed, and the Great Depression began, and they are back again now.....coincidence...?
They entered our awareness, with that word, in 1929, in a novel. That same year, the stock market crashed, and the Great Depression began, and they are back again now.....coincidence...?
Word of the day: CRYTOSCOPOPHILIA - The urge to look through people’s windows as you pass their houses. Couldn't find a word for NOSEY PARKER !!
Random Joke
I was playing chess with my friend and he said, ‘Let’s make this interesting’.
So we stopped playing chess
Finish with a SongThis is the Cranberries with Zombie