In Today's Issue - NaPoWriMo Day 6 - Happy New Beer's Eve
Drinkers Lament
Who Boozes
That's Amaaaaazing
Random Joke
Finish with a Song
NaPoWriMo, or National Poetry Writing Month, is an annual project in which participating
That's Amaaaaazing
Random Joke
Finish with a Song
NaPoWriMo, or National Poetry Writing Month, is an annual project in which participating
poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April.
Maureen Thorson, a poet and publisher of Big Game Books announced the project March 17, 2003 as an
Maureen Thorson, a poet and publisher of Big Game Books announced the project March 17, 2003 as an
online project on her blog. She invited other poets with blogs to join her in the project and listed
the participating poets. Thorson has continued to run the project each year on her blog with more
poets participating as the word has spread about the project.
If you want more information the please visit the site :-
If you want more information the please visit the site :-
Happy New Beer's Eve
Today is New Beer's Eve. Sit back and enjoy a bottle or two of suds the brown stuff.
For over a decade (1920-1933), beer and alcohol were banned in the United States. This ban
was set in place by the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. The 18th Amendment failed miserably.
It was largely ignored. Millions of people turned to making their own bathtub beer and
made alcohol in homemade stills. Bootleg beer and alcohol, much if which was smuggled in
from Canada, caused the loss of millions of dollars in potential tax revenues.
The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment. It took effect at 12:01a.m on April 7, 1933.
On the evening of April 6th, anxious Americans lined up at breweries and distilleries to purchase
legal beer and alcohol at the stroke of midnight. That night, someone coined the
term "New Beer's Eve", and a new annual holiday was born!
So enjoy New Beers' Eve... But, .....Please do so responsibly.
Drinker's Lament
Sitting in a bar
On Saturday morning
It's not yet 12
Is that a warning?
I'm drinking coffee
But soon something stronger
There's a gnawing in my gut
An alcoholic hunger
Scattered all around
are people just Like me
Sad, lonely souls
Drowning in a booze-filled sea
Some are eating breakfast
It disguises their craving
Legitimising existence
It's only their face-saving
Young people made old
By the bottle
Looking to meet their maker
And get there at full throttle
So cheers to you all
My comrades in drink
Raise all our glasses
Give A bloodshot wink
The Top 10 Biggest Beer Drinkers in the World
10. Denmark
- 89,9 liters per capita
9. Romania
- 90 liters per capita
8. Belgium
- 93 liters per capita
7. United Kingdom
- 99 liters per capita
6. Estonia
- 104 liters per capita
5. Austria
- 108,3 liters per capita
4. AustrĂ¡lia
- 109,9 liters per capita
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaazing !
Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of an empty glass.
Random Joke
You know what I can't stand about being drunk ? ...... UP
Finish with a Song
One of my favourite songs... This is Dierks Bentley with Drunk on a Plane, released in 2014