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Sunday, 21 May 2017

Happy Sunday

In today's issue

Flash Fiction From Anne Rhodes

Question Impossible


The Sunday Service From The Right Reverend Father Down

Flash Fiction -

How to write flash fiction
Start in the middle. You don't have time in this very short form to set scenes and build character.

Don't use too many characters. ...

Make sure the ending isn't at the end. ...

Sweat your title. ...

Make your last line ring like a bell. ...

Write long, then go short.


“Higgledy-piggledy my fat hen” said the little girl as she raced round the farm-yard chasing the hens. She had been told numerous times not to do this – as it made the hens not want to lay eggs for her breakfast – but the fun of making the birds squawk madly always won! Then one day, as she was singing her head off, she squeezed through the bob-hole into the hen hut, chasing one particularly fine Rhode Island Red.
Unfortunately for her, she was followed by the cockerel – who stood guard at the bob-hole entrance and wouldn’t let her get out again.

Question Impossible

This is where I ask you a question, it's impossible, and you won't get it....and you will probably cheat.....everyone does !!

What is the collective noun for a group of moles ?


Chickens can distinguish among more than 100 faces of members of their species

Chickens have full-colour vision, just like we do.

Chickens communicate with more than 24 vocalisations, each with a distinct meaning, including warning their friends about different types of predators or letting their mothers know whether they’re comfortable.

Chickens dream just like we do. 

Research suggests that chickens are cleverer than toddlers. Hens have exhibited mathematical reasoning, self-control and even structural engineering.

Chickens originate from tropical rainforests, where they evolved for millions of years.

Chickens are the closest living relative to the T. rex

Roosters will attempt to woo hens by performing a little dance, called “tidbitting”, involving moving their heads up and down and making a certain type of call. Female hens are also thought to be especially attracted to roosters who have a large wattle!

Chickens display object permanence – an understanding that when an object is hidden, it still exists.

Mother hens talk to their unborn babies, and they chirp back through their shells

Think I might become a vegetarian !!!

The Right Reverend Father Down from the Church of Our Holy God Zilla

Good Morning Dear Friends, Hello and welcome to today's Sunday Service.

As you know I am regularly asked by my parishioners if believe that the Devil gave us Rock & Roll.

I always preach that I believe our Lord gave us this music, after all didn't the congregation of Kiss tell us....

"God Gave Rock and Roll to us, gave rock & roll to us, put it in our soul for everyone....

Yes I believe that our Lord gave us the gift of Rock.... So this morning I'd like you to let your hairs down and gently thrash with me to today's heavenly hit.

So now gently bow your head raise your head, bow your head raise your head...you get the drift, and raise your voices, as one, in exhalation to the angelic sound of  .. BLACK SABBATH...

Question Impossible

I asked, what is the collective noun for moles ??
It's a.....Labour....

Well that's it for today.
Hope you enjoyed....

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