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Friday 25 October 2019

Why are books like buses ?

Because 2 turn up at the same time.....

Released Monday ;-

Wednesday Words

Wednesday’s child is full of woe.

If that was true then the child found joy, creativity and friendship through the Workers Education Association.
For on Wednesday a group of very different creative writers meet. A range of different ages, sexes and backgrounds come together with one burning purpose, to write.
This anthology is a homage to this group and a love letter to you the reader. The work you’ll find in here ranges from the heart-breaking to the humorous. There is no theme other than one, they were all born on a Wednesday.

Wednesday words

The Worker’s Educational Association was founded in 1903,

                  it is the UK's largest voluntary sector provider of adult
                  education and one of Britain's biggest charities.
                  The WEA is a democratic and voluntary adult education
                  movement. It delivers learning throughout England
                  and Scotland. The WEA's provision is usually local to
                  its students. In 2015–16 there were over 8,000 courses
                  delivered in over 1,800 community venues and 75% of
                  WEA students travelled less than 2 miles to their class.
                  The Wednesday Writing group meet on…Wednesday’s.
                  They are a collection of very different people from a
                  myriad of backgrounds. This group come together in
                  mutual respect and in a mutual aim...to write.

Within this book you find poems and stories on many
                  different themes they have no common thread other
                  than they were born on a Wednesday.  

This wonderful book is available on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes Noble and Kobo

Here is a link to the Amazon page   https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07ZG36BMK?pf_rd_p=330fbd82-d4fe-42e5-9c16-d4b886747c64&pf_rd_r=304EEZVA6KJVF08P6PF0

AND RELEASED THIS WEEK................

Tales of the Unexpected.

In this book we’ll cover such subjects as -  

What happens when two retiring hitmen meet for a final dinner to talk about their past, and probably limited future.

What’s in a name, oh he’ll tell you but you’ll wish you hadn’t asked.

Is it the love of money or is it’s moneys love for you…we follow a coin to find out.

A failing bookstore takes full advantage of a desperate situation.

And much, much more

This is the third in the highly successful ‘Tales of..’ series.
The stories enclosed are varied but all have a delightful dark pumping vein of humour and twist in the telling.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Just in time for Halloween !!! - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tales-Unexpected-Neville-Raper/dp/1687345600/ref=sr_1_3?crid=M4YU6IZ0J52Q&keywords=neville+raper&qid=1572001622&s=digital-text&sprefix=neville+rape%2Cdigital-text%2C173&sr=1-3-catcorr