Today's writer is Jaki Spencer.
Like yesterdays poet, Marjorie Lacy, this poem is all written around the them of noise.
Enjoy !
Jaki Spence March 2017
A cacophony of sound
The sweetest sound is of a new-born babies cry, a gift to a
The most soothing is that of the gentle flowing of water over
The most grating sound is chalk on a blackboard
Daily sounds of cars revving, motorbikes roaring away
Followed by children shouting and laughing as they play
The rustling of leaves in trees caught by a summer breeze
The call of the cuckoo in Spring heralding its arrival
The cry of the wolf as it fights for survival
My favourite sounds belong to music
It has passion that gives flight to many feelings
It has the ability to make us laugh, and yes cry
It is full of feeling plays on our emotions
It can breathe life into the loneliest of days
Thank you Jaki.....lovely piece, as a music lover as well, I agree wholeheartedly.
As usual, if you have any work that you want to be showcased, then send via the contact bar or e-mail me on -
If I get enough submissions I will endeavour to produce a book containing all your work.
Regards all
Well done, Jaki...!