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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Small Things

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Small Things: In Today's Tiny Issue Small Things How small are we That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Word (to your Mother) Fin...

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Small Things

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Small Things: In Today's Tiny Issue Small Things How small are we That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Word (to your Mother) Fin...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Small Things

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Small Things: In Today's Tiny Issue Small Things How small are we That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Word (to your Mother) Fin...

Monday, 29 January 2018

Small Things

In Today's Tiny Issue

Small Things
How small are we
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Random Joke
Word (to your Mother)
Finish with a Song

I write about big things.
But, it’s time to talk of the small,
of little pleasures of smaller joys.

A lick from the dog
Clean sheet smell
Chinese chicken curry
Melodious church bell

Sun through the curtains
A really good sneeze
Elvis on the radio
Quite a strong cheese

My spex with no spots
A pair of odd socks
Bacon and eggs
Soft ticking of clocks

Smell of cut grass
I’m Captain Kirk
A free parking space
A weekend off work

A freezing cold pint
I nice new haircut
Batman and Robin
Nice clean smut

The laugh of a child
A fresh coffee pot
A blackbird’s singsong
A nose clear of snot

Our sun is one of at least 100 BILLION stars, just in the Milky Way. Scientists calculate that there are at least 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, each one brimming with stars. There are more stars than grains of sand on all of Earth’s beaches combined. 

The Milky Way is a huge city of stars, so big that even at the speed of light (which is fast!), it would take 100,000 years to travel across it.

 Roughly 70% of the universe is made of dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 25%. The rest — everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter adds up to less than 5% of the universe.

If the sun were as tall as a typical front door, Earth would be the size of a penny.

The sun accounts for almost all of the mass in our solar system. Leaving .2% for all the planets and everything else.

Edwin Hubble discovered that the Universe is expanding and that at one point in time (14 billion years ago) the universe was all collected in just one point of space.

 Four American spacecraft are headed out of our solar system to what scientists call interstellar space. Voyager 1 is the farthest out — more than 11 billion miles from our sun. It was the first manmade object to leave our solar system. Voyager 2, is speeding along at more than 39,000 mph, but will still take more than 296,000 years to pass Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky..

Smallest Hypothetical Object in the Universe: The smallest hypothetical objects in the universe is a thing which does not have any mass and dimensions. Its existence is also not proven yet. According to string theory, all universe is made up of tiny vibrating string-like structures which interact with each other and give rise to mass and energy.

My Dad always told me “Don’t be quick to find faults.” 
Great Dad, terrible geologist.

Word of the day: SCURRYFUNGE - to rush around cleaning before visitors arrive

This is Sum41 with Small Things

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day: In Today's Pop(ular) Issue International Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day Bubble Rap Bubble Wrap That's Amaaaaaaaaazing Rand...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : International Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day: In Today's Pop(ular) Issue International Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day Bubble Rap Bubble Wrap That's Amaaaaaaaaazing Rand...

Sunday, 28 January 2018

International Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

In Today's Pop(ular) Issue

International Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
Bubble Rap
Bubble Wrap
That's Amaaaaaaaaazing
Random Joke
Audio Stories
Finish with a Song

Feeling a little stressed lately.? Then, this special day is made for you!

It's Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.

As anyone who has ever come in contact with it knows, bubble wrap is not just a protective wrapping for things. It is also a wonderful stress reliever! Just squeeze the bubbles in the Bubble wrap, and feel the stress disappear with each POP...POP...POP.

So, grab a piece of bubble wrap today, and go to town!

Little blisters of air
Bubbles suspended in plastic
How they get there I don’t
Know, I think it’s fantastic

Protective convex covering
Almost see through
Peek into the packaging
Your prize just in view.

But forget your purchase
It’s the wrapping raps
For it the joy of the pop
When you squeeze in the gaps

A stress release
Tiny small joy
Blahdy Blahdy Blah Blah
Helen of Troy
(I think I run out of steam a bit there)

Sleep on air while camping: 
Get a better night’s sleep on a camping trip. Take a 2m roll of wide bubble wrap to use as a mat under a sleeping bag. If you don’t have a sleeping bag, just fold a 3.6-metre-long piece of wide bubble wrap in half, bubble side out and gaffer-tape the edges. Then slip in and enjoy a restful night in your makeshift padded sleeping bag.
Its original purpose was wallpaper: In 1957, in an attempt to create a textured wallpaper, engineer Alfred W. Fielding and Swiss inventor Marc Chavannes sealed two shower curtains together in such a way that air bubbles were captured, giving the wallpaper a textured appearance.
It can insulate your windows:
Is your home feeling drafty? Simply cut a sheet of bubble cushioning to the size of your window, spray the window with water, and place the flat side against the glass for instant insulation. Since it’s clear, you won’t lose the natural light.
Protect Produce in the Fridge:
Line the crisper drawer with bubble wrap to prevent bruises to fruit and other produce. Cleaning the fridge will be easier too – when the lining gets dirty, just throw it away and replace it with fresh bubble wrap.
Stress Relief:
Get popping! Research shows that one minute spent popping bubble wrap relives as much stress as a 30 minute massage.

The most people popping bubble wrap simultaneously is 2,681, achieved by the Denver Area Council, Boy Scouts of America (USA) at the Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch in Elbert, Colorado, USA, on 19 September 2015.
Free Audio Story
My short story - The Door Lock Clicked was broadcasted on Sheffield Radio Friday.
I have obtained a copy of the sound file.

It can be downloaded free at :-


(Simply paste into your browser)

This story is available in my latest book :-

Tales of The Unaccepted



I met this bloke with a didgeridoo playing Dancing Queen. I thought “That’s ABBAriginal!”

Finish with a Song
Thus is Pop Music by M

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Dr Bogle by David Bradshaw

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Dr Bogle by David Bradshaw: In Today's Clinical Issue Dr Bogle's Clinic by Dave Bradshaw Dr's That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Free Aud...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Dr Bogle by David Bradshaw

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Dr Bogle by David Bradshaw: In Today's Clinical Issue Dr Bogle's Clinic by Dave Bradshaw Dr's That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Free Aud...

Dr Bogle by David Bradshaw

In Today's Clinical Issue

Dr Bogle's Clinic by Dave Bradshaw
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Free Audio Story
Random Joke
Finish with a Song

This is an excellent poem by David Bradshaw -

Doctor Bogle’s Clinic

In Doctor Bogle’s clinic,
Everything is great.
There’s something in the water,
So the atmosphere’s sedate.
And clothing is provided,
So your jacket’s always straight.
Oh! It’s wonderful at Doctor Bogle’s clinic.

In Doctor Bogle’s clinic,
Everyone is calm,
The floor and walls are padded,
So you’ll never come to harm.
And when the Doctor sees you,
It’s a real shot in the arm.
Oh! It’s wonderful at Doctor Bogle’s clinic.

In Doctor Bogle’s clinic,
The pharmacy is stocked.
And for your own security,
The doors are always locked.
And anyone who disagrees,
Is regularly shocked.
Oh! It’s wonderful at Doctor Bogle’s clinic.

In Doctor Bogle’s clinic,
The nurses spread good cheer.
I love the place so very much,
I go there every year.
For once you’ve been lobotomised,
There’s nothing left to fear.

Oh! It’s wonderful at Doctor Bogle’s clinic.

50 years before women were allowed to enroll into medical school, Margaret Ann Bulkley dressed as a man for 56 years to study medicine and become her alter-ego, Dr James Barry. It was only when she died in 1865 that her secret was exposed after 46 years working as an army medical officer.

During WW2, an Italian doctor prevented Nazis from taking Jewish patients by claiming they suffered the fictitious ‘K Syndrome’. He saved 45 lives.

In 1984, a 1-year-old received a heart transplant from a baboon but ended up dying 21 days later due to rejection. When questioned with why a baboon and not a primate more closely related to humans, the surgeon said he didn’t believe in evolution.

In 2003 an ER doctor in Idaho saved a patient’s life by performing emergency surgery with a cordless drill in a church parking lot to relieve pressure on his brain caused by internal bleeding.

A female doctor from Brazil, after being fed up from burglars jumping over her fence and steal her belongings, tapped dozen of HIV-infected syringes atop her metal fence with a warning board saying, ”Wall with HIV positive blood. No trespassing.”

Doctors didn’t wear white coats till the late 1800s. Due to swift advancement in medicine, the public thought discoveries of new antiseptics & the spreading of disease were just mysticism & deceit. In response, doctors adopted the white lab coats to represent a fresh start for the medical field.

Despite the loss of her legs, Li Juhong has been a doctor in her Chinese village since 2001. She uses wooden stools to travel around, has treated over 6,000 people and has a stay-at-home husband who carries her on his back so she can reach patients who live in isolated areas.

In 1981, a pediatrician saved the life of a 3.2-pound premature baby boy by working around the clock to beat the odds & stabilize him. In 2011, the pediatrician was pinned inside a burning vehicle after a car collision, but was saved by the premature baby, who had grown up to become a paramedic.

The largest collection of Doctor Who memorabilia consists of 6,641 items and was achieved by Lily Connors (UK), of Pontypridd, UK, as verified on 20 June 2016.
Lily's dream is to be an extra in an episode of Doctor Who and to own a full-sized Dalek.

Free Audio Story

My short story - The Door Lock Clicked was broadcasted on Sheffield Radio Friday.
I have obtained a copy of the sound file.

It can be downloaded free at :-


(Simply paste into your browser)

This story is available in my latest book :-

Tales of The Unaccepted



Just found out I've failed my German exam. Sacre bleu!

This is the Thompson Twins with Dr Dr

Friday, 26 January 2018

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Blogged about Blogs

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Blogged about Blogs: In Today's Issue Blogg Bloggs That's Amaaaaazing Audio Story 2 Random Joke Finish with a Song Blog Monday...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Blogged about Blogs

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Blogged about Blogs: In Today's Issue Blogg Bloggs That's Amaaaaazing Audio Story 2 Random Joke Finish with a Song Blog Monday...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Blogged about Blogs

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Blogged about Blogs: In Today's Issue Blogg Bloggs That's Amaaaaazing Audio Story 2 Random Joke Finish with a Song Blog Monday...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Blogged about Blogs

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Blogged about Blogs: In Today's Issue Blogg Bloggs That's Amaaaaazing Audio Story 2 Random Joke Finish with a Song Blog Monday...

Blogged about Blogs

In Today's Issue

That's Amaaaaazing
Audio Story 2
Random Joke
Finish with a Song


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
And more
My writing daily becomes
A chore

I write online
I write in space
I hide behind a virtual

I make things up
I write in dreams
Nothing is ever as it

But that’s OK I like to
To keep the dark things
Deep inside

Blogging which started in mid nineties as a personal hobby to share one’s thoughts has indeed come a long way. Initially, it was nothing more than an extension of diary writing but in no time, it turned into a powerful medium. Soon, people started using it as a source of secondary income and some were even lucky enough to be full time, professional bloggers. Today, it is used widely by businesses as part of their marketing strategy.
Did you know how the term, ‘blog’ was coined? It is a contraction of two words – web and log. The term was first used and made popular by Jorn Barger, an American blogger. Here are some more interesting facts about blogging
Justin Hall, a US freelance journalist is said to be the first blogger. In 1994, while still in college, he managed to publish his first blog.
WordPress and Blogspot are two most popular blogging platforms. WordPress, a relatively late entrant in blogging, has surpassed its elder brother, Blogspot in terms of popularity. More than 40 percent of bloggers use WordPress.
In 1999, there were just 23 blogs. Today, there are over 1.5 billion blogs on the internet. WordPress.com alone has over 60 millions of them. Every half a second, a new blog is created. There are about 31 million bloggers in the US.
More than 60% of blogs are in English. Other prominent languages include Spanish, Portuguese, and Indonesian.
Over half of the blogging community has more than one blog. Professional bloggers have 4 blogs, on an average. Only about 27 percent of bloggers are full time into it.
1 in every 5 bloggers updates his/her blog daily. Most of the blogs are read in the morning between 7 AM to 10 AM.
Bloggers use social media to promote their blogs. A blogger on an average uses 5 social media sites.
A blog post is powerful enough to influence a purchase. Businesses that blog get more visitors to their website. Almost half of the companies in the US use blogs for the purpose of marketing their product/services.
Earning from a blog is not something that happens overnight. It takes a sound strategy along with a high dose of perseverance. About one-fifth of bloggers have been into it for more than 6 long years.
Less than 10 percent of bloggers earn enough to support their family. More than 80 percent never ever make it to even $100.

The Biggest Blog on the Planet 1 | Huffington Post - 110,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors

Free Audio Story

My short story - The Door Lock Clicked was broadcasted on Sheffield Radio today.
I have obtained a copy of the sound file.

It can be downloaded free at :-


(Simply paste into your browser)

It is the 2pm show 26-1-18
This story is available in my latest book :-

Tales of The Unaccepted



Just got a job working in a giant size cuckoo clock. It's not great, but it gets me out the house.....

This is Yazoo, Nobodies Diary

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Why are Radio Plays Like Buses ?

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Why are Radio Plays Like Buses ?: Audio Book In Today's Exciting Issue After the Success of last weeks broadcast of  "Thyme for Love" Sheffield R...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Why are Radio Plays Like Buses ?

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Why are Radio Plays Like Buses ?: Audio Book In Today's Exciting Issue After the Success of last weeks broadcast of  "Thyme for Love" Sheffield R...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Why are Radio Plays Like Buses ?

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Why are Radio Plays Like Buses ?: Audio Book In Today's Exciting Issue After the Success of last weeks broadcast of  "Thyme for Love" Sheffield R...

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Why are Radio Plays Like Buses ?

Audio Book

In Today's Exciting Issue
After the Success of last weeks broadcast of 
"Thyme for Love" Sheffield Radio have recorded 
another of my short stories from my latest release.

Audio Book

If you enjoy the content of this blog then you are going to love this!

My recent release - Tales of The Unaccepted contains a smorgasbord of short stories.

One of these is - The Door Locked
A sad story of leaving, or is it ?

This story has been made into an audio book and will be broadcast this Friday 19th January at 1pm UK time. If you miss it, don't worry, it will be available to download.

It will be live on Sheffield Radio, here is a link :-


Their website is :- sheffieldlive.org  

I hope you enjoy it, I would love to hear your feedback.

The Chairman

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Coal Not Dole

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Coal Not Dole: In Today's Issue Coal Coale Not Dole That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Freebie Finish with a Song COAL ...

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Coal Not Dole

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Coal Not Dole: In Today's Issue Coal Coale Not Dole That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Freebie Finish with a Song COAL ...

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Coal Not Dole

The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow : Coal Not Dole: In Today's Issue Coal Coale Not Dole That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Freebie Finish with a Song COAL ...

Coal Not Dole

In Today's Issue

Coale Not Dole
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Random Joke
Finish with a Song


I work in the dark, deep underground
I toil in the muck where all light is drowned

In the dirt and the dust
I hack and I pick.
Shovel and crawl
My blood it runs thick

My skin eats the dirt
Tattooed with coal
The carbon that eats
Right down to my soul

But now it’s all gone
On a political whim
We import our power
From some pseudonym

The men were so proud
To toil for their pay
To ensure we had the means
To turn night into day

They worked underground they worked in their sweat
We owed them more, forever in debt

The 1984 Miners' Strike was a last attempt by the mining unions to stop mining closures and the loss of jobs.

The biggest strike in the post-war era (at its height, 142,000 mineworkers were involved), it was also one of the bitterest industrial disputes in British history

The strike ended on 3 March 1985 with the NUM having failed to achieve concessions from the government

In March 1984 more than 187,000 miners came out on strike when the National Coal Board announced that 20 pits in England would have to close with the loss of 20,000 jobs.

It was the start of one of the most confrontational strikes ever seen, marred by picket line violence and clashes between police and miners.

Miners in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire eventually followed Yorkshire pits and came out on strike. 

But some miners continued to work and were branded as "scabs" by their colleagues when they crossed picket lines.

The Government branded the striking miners as "the enemy within".

When the strike ended 12 months later, it was estimated that the total cost had been £3 billion.

Over 11,000 people had been arrested, and around 5,000 miners stood trial for a variety of offences.

Many of the threatened closures took place in 1992.

Mining communities throughout the country were scarred, and many never fully recovered.

It was the end of the industry that had once been the backbone of industrial Britain.

Collapse of an industry

In 1984 there were 170 collieries in Britain, employing more than 190,000 people.

The last deep coal mine closed, in Yorkshire, in 2015.

The record for filling a 508 kg (0.5 ton) hopper with coal using a banjo shovel by a team of two is 14.8 seconds, by Brian Coghlan and Piet Groot (both New Zealand) at the opening of the Brunner Bridge, South Island, New Zealand, on 27 March 2004.

If you think about it, your belly button is your old mouth.

Free Audio Story

My short story - Thyme For Love was broadcasted on Sheffield Radio on Friday.
I have obtained a copy of the sound file.

It can be downloaded free at :-


(Simply paste into your browser)

This story is available in my latest book :-

Tales of The Unaccepted




This is 

Loretta Lynn - Coal Miner's Daughter