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Wednesday, 13 January 2021

International Nothing Day


International Nothing Day

In Today's Not Quite There Issue

International Nothing Day
That's Amaaaazing
Random Joke
Bargain Book

National Nothing Day is quite simply... a day for nothing.
This day is an "un-event". The expectation is that we do not create or otherwise promote this day. In other words, we do nothing. And, to say anything more would contradict the purpose of this day.
Celebrate this day by doing....nothing. Of course, that assumes that doing nothing is okay with your boss.

I'm Without

Nothing, nada, nowt
An absence, a void
A gap, whiteness, blackness
Does that quote Freud?

A Vacuum, a distance
Zero, zilch
Nobody, nothing, naught
A skip or a glitch

Oblivion, obliteration
Diddly squat
No mark, no score
No living inkspot

Nihilist, nix
Nullity, empty, bare
I looked for myself
But I wasn’t there.


There is vastly more nothing than something. Roughly 74 percent of the universe is “nothing,” or what physicists call dark energy; 22 percent is dark matter, particles we cannot see. Only 4 percent is baryonic matter, the stuff we call something.

And even something is mostly nothing. Atoms overwhelmingly consist of empty space. Matter’s solidity is an illusion caused by the electric fields created by subatomic particles.
There is more and more nothing every second. In 1998 astronomers measuring the expansion of the universe determined that dark energy is pushing apart the universe at an ever-accelerating speed. The discovery of nothing—and its ability to influence the fate of the cosmos—is considered the most important astronomical finding of the past decade.
But even nothing has a weight. The energy in dark matter is equivalent to a tiny mass; there is about one pound of dark energy in a cube of empty space 250,000 miles on each side.
In space, no one can hear you scream: Sound, a mechanical wave, cannot travel through a vacuum. Without matter to vibrate through, there is only silence.
Light can travel through a vacuum, but there is nothing to refract it. Alas for extraterrestrial romantics, stars do not twinkle in outer space.
Black holes are not holes or voids; they are the exact opposite of nothing, being the densest concentration of mass known in the universe.
“Zero” was first seen in cuneiform tablets written around 300 B.C. by Babylonians who used it as a placeholder (to distinguish 36 from 306 or 360, for example). The concept of zero in its mathematical sense was developed in India in the fifth century.
Any number divided by zero is . . . nothing, not even zero. The equation is mathematically impossible.
Vacuums do not suck things. They create spaces into which the surrounding atmosphere pushes matter.
Creatio ex nihilo, the belief that the world was created out of nothing, is one of the most common themes in ancient myths and religions.
Current theories suggest that the universe was created out of a state of vacuum energy, that is, nothing.
But to a physicist there is no such thing as nothing. Empty space is instead filled with pairs of particles and antiparticles, called virtual particles, that quickly form and then, in accordance with the law of energy conservation, annihilate each other in about 10-25 second.
These virtual particles popping in and out of existence create energy. In fact, according to quantum mechanics, the energy contained in all the power plants and nuclear weapons in the world doesn’t equal the theoretical energy contained in the empty spaces between these words.
In other words, nothing could be the key to the theory of everything.
That's Amaaaaaaaaazing
"Borrowing" your neighbor's Wifi is illegal in Singapore.

Random Joke of the Day

My doctor asked me how I felt after swallowing 3 caterpillars . 

"I've got butterflies in my stomach", I replied!

Bargain Book
Did you get a kindle or e-book reader for Xmas? Then as a New Years gift from me you can now buy
my recent release, "Tales of the Unexpected" for the amazing low price of £1.99 (cheaper than a cup
of coffee) 

B Silver
5.0 out of 5 starsGreat diverse short stories
28 October 2019
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
Love this writer I bought his previous books and in my opinion this is the best so far. The stories are much more diverse than the others. For a book of short stories there are a lot there, great to pop in and read as and when you want to. Read mine on the train, I laughed out loud at one point making my fellow passengers jump out of their seats. Recommended read....