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Saturday, 20 February 2021

Love is all you need.....

 In Today's Mills and Boon Issue

I Love
Quite Interesting
That's Amaaaaaazing
Random Joke of the Day


Love encompasses a variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly and positively experienced, ranging from the deepest interpersonal affection to the simplest pleasure. 

An example of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse differs from the love of food.

Most commonly, love refers to a feeling of strong attraction and emotional attachment.
Love can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another".

It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals.

Ancient Greek philosophers identified four forms of love: essentially, familial love (in Greek, storge), friendly love (philia), romantic love (eros), and divine love (agape).

Modern authors have distinguished further varieties of love: infatuated love, self-love, and courtly love.
Non-Western traditions have also distinguished variants or symbioses of these states. Love has additional religious or spiritual meaning. 

This diversity of uses and meanings combined with the complexity of the feelings involved makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states.

Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.

Love may be understood as a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species.


I love your hair, the way you stare
The clothes that you wear
But really when you’re bare.

I love your eyes, and your lies
Your sexy disguise
But most of all your naked thighs

I love your voice, your words of choice
The way you laugh when you watch me bath.
I love your cry, and how you sigh.

I love your frame, I’ve no shame
I love your shape you sexy dame
But it’s all of you, I exclaim 

Both males and females must have adequate testosterone for sexual attraction.

Yes, even women have small amounts of testosterone. Testosterone creates desire as well as aggressive behavior, which may push you to pursue the person who is creating this desire.

We can sense and are attracted to a person with a different immune system.

If this isn’t bizarre, I don’t know what is. This finding came about during a study conducted by Claude Wedekind of the University of Switzerland. He had women test subjects smell unwashed T-shirts of men. Women consistently preferred the smell of the man’s shirt whose immune system was different than their own. Apparently the same findings were discovered in rodents.

Falling in love is as addicting as cocaine or nicotine.

Dopamine, a chemical that is released during the initial attraction stage of the relationship is also activated when using cocaine and nicotine. It gives you that rush of pleasure and happiness that makes those drugs so addicting. It also enhances the release of testosterone, which as stated above is essential for attraction. I suppose falling in love would be the safer drug of choice if you had to choose between the three.

Love can literally make you crazy.

Something you may or may not know about love is that it can lead to serious infatuation. The same levels of serotonin that bring about the infatuation are found in those with obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is an anxiety disorder. This is probably why you cannot seem to think of anyone else when you have fallen in love.

Love needs to be “blind” for survival.

It does not seem to matter what others say to a new lover—he or she is always perfect in our eyes. This blindness is critical for us to move forward in our relationship and is usually required to move onto the “attachment stage” as scientists call it so that they can stay in love long enough to have and raise children; in other words, to populate the earth.

Your nerve cells work better during the first year of love.

A protein in our bodies called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) that is important for the functions of certain sympathetic and sensory nerve cells seems to thrive during the first year of being in love. Basically our senses are heightened and our fight or flight response system is more active during young love.

Romantic love and the love between a mother and child share a similar chemical connection.

The hormone oxytocin is released during child birth and when a child nurses as well as during orgasm. Oxytocin is thought to help long-term bonding.

When you take away one of the key “bonding” hormones, the attachment will disappear.

A study was done on prairie voles, a rodent that forms a long-term mating pair, where the hormone vasopressin was suppressed. These pore voles lost their interest in their mate immediately and did not even protect one another from new mates.

We are attracted to those who look and/or smell similar to one of our parents.

As creepy as this sounds, a partner who looks similar to one of our parents is found to be comforting. If you are a female and your father wore certain cologne, it is a familiar and comforting scent. This makes sense, but let’s not bring Freud into this.

We also tend to fall in love with someone who looks like ourselves.

Talk about narcissistic, right? Aside from facial features, hair color and eye color, we also tend to be attracted to those with the same lung volumes, ear lobe lengths and metabolic rates.

Although we might not want to think about these things when we are falling head over heels, it might be necessary to remind ourselves to not completely lose our heads in the chemical love spell we are surely under.
That's Amaaaaaazing 

Longest underwater kiss

Cupid brought his scuba gear to this attempt, where Italian couple Michele Fucarino and Elisa Lazzarini smooched for 3 min 24 sec on the set of Lo Show dei Record in Rome, in 2010.

Random Joke of the Day
USB sounds like a backup in case the USA fails

Want to see what other guff I write pop over to my Authors page on Amazon. Just paste the below link in your browser.

Monday, 15 February 2021

Singles Awareness Day

Its the day after the horror that was Valentines Day, so obviously today is international :-

Singles Awareness Day

Singles Awareness Day is for those who are unattached, and without a significant other. It is celebrated the day after Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day, celebrates love and romance for those  currently in a relationship. However, if you  are in between relationships, and without a significant other, you may feel left out. Valentine's Day can be a depressing day. So, the day after Valentine's Day is your day.

Singles Awareness Day traditions include:
  • Singles get together. It's a chance to meet.
  • Singles give each other gifts
  • Spend a little time in online dating sites
  • You can celebrate and enjoy the fact that you are unattached.
Positives of today -

Chocolate will be half price !!!
You can spend all day in your pants, or someone elses !
You can sleep around.....by that I mean around the bed.....obviously
One night stand !? forget it, you can have two, either side of the bed !
You can fart to your hearts content...
The TV remote is yours !!!!

So enjoy this day...........and think of the money you've saved !

Oh and just in case...That's Amaaaaaaazing

Most expensive dating service

If you’re looking for love this Valentine’s Day, this service may be a little out of budget…

Orly the Matchmaker of Beverly Hills, California, USA, has been running an upscale international introductions company for the last 25 years – the most expensive service of its kind in the world.

Run by a former model, Orly’s world-renowned, old-fashioned matchmaking skills are available for a steep membership fee that can cost up to $100,000 (£70,000).

Random Joke of the Day

A typo cost me my job in IT. I actually wanted the temp to ‘unzip my files’.

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Thursday, 11 February 2021

International Toothache Day

 (I wrote this at 2.30) In Today's Cavity...ity...ity...ity Issue

International Toothache Day
That's Amaaaaaazing
Random Joke
Enjoy this ?

Open wide.....This day celebrates the feast day of St Apollonia (d. 249). Apollonia is the patroness of dentists, and people suffering from toothache and other dental diseases often ask her intercession....Now rinse.

I went to the dentist
He looked in my mouth
He told me the news
My teeth had gone south
He gave me the choice
Choose gold or some nickel
I made up my mind
To have cheese and pickle


The enamel on the top surface on your tooth is the hardest part of your entire body.

Teeth start to form even before you are born—milk teeth or baby teeth start to form when the baby is in the womb, but they come through when the child is between 6-12 months old.
Humans use four different types of teeth (incisors, canine, premolars, and molars) to cut, tear and grind their food.

Humans have only two sets of teeth in their entire lifetime—baby teeth and permanent teeth. Once you have your permanent teeth, make sure you take good care of them.

No two people have the same set of teeth—your teeth are as unique as your fingerprint, so be proud of your unique set of teeth.

Your mouth produces over 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime—that’s enough to fill two swimming pools. Saliva has many uses, including assisting you with your digestion and protects your teeth from bacteria in your mouth.

An average person spends 38.5 days brushing their teeth over their lifetime.

Many diseases are linked to your oral health, including heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

One third of your tooth is underneath your gums—that means only two thirds of your tooth’s length is visible.

If you get your tooth knocked out, put it in milk and hold it in your mouth—this will help your tooth to survive longer. Make sure you see a dentist right away.

Chew on this: The average person has 32 teeth in his or her mouth, but Vijay Kumar V.A. is by no means average. Kumar, of Bangalore, India, holds the Guinness WorldRecord for most teeth in one mouth — 37 in all.

Random Joke of the Day

Self-important amnesiacs ... who do they think they are?

Want to see what other guff I write pop over to my Authors page on Amazon. Just paste the below link in your browser.


Tuesday, 9 February 2021

All the Small Things

 In Today's Tiny Issue

Small Things
How small are we
That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Random Joke
Word (to your Mother)
Free audio play.

I write about big things.
But, it’s time to talk of the small,
of little pleasures of smaller joys.

A lick from the dog
Clean sheet smell
Chinese chicken curry
Melodious church bell

Sun through the curtains
A really good sneeze
Elvis on the radio
Quite a strong cheese

My spex with no spots
A pair of odd socks
Bacon and eggs
Soft ticking of clocks

Smell of cut grass
Old Captain Kirk
A free parking space
A weekend off work

A freezing cold pint
I nice new haircut
Batman and Robin
Nice clean smut

The laugh of a child
A fresh coffee pot
A blackbird’s singsong
A nose clear of snot

How Small are We ?

Our sun is one of at least 100 BILLION stars, just in the Milky Way. Scientists calculate that there are at least 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, each one brimming with stars. There are more stars than grains of sand on all of Earth’s beaches combined. 

The Milky Way is a huge city of stars, so big that even at the speed of light (which is fast!), it would take 100,000 years to travel across it.

 Roughly 70% of the universe is made of dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 25%. The rest — everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter adds up to less than 5% of the universe.

If the sun were as tall as a typical front door, Earth would be the size of a penny.

The sun accounts for almost all of the mass in our solar system. Leaving .2% for all the planets and everything else.

Edwin Hubble discovered that the Universe is expanding and that at one point in time (14 billion years ago) the universe was all collected in just one point of space.

 Four American spacecraft are headed out of our solar system to what scientists call interstellar space. Voyager 1 is the farthest out — more than 11 billion miles from our sun. It was the first manmade object to leave our solar system. Voyager 2, is speeding along at more than 39,000 mph, but will still take more than 296,000 years to pass Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky..

That's Amaaaaaaaazing ...

Smallest Hypothetical Object in the Universe: The smallest hypothetical objects in the universe is a thing which does not have any mass and dimensions. Its existence is also not proven yet. According to string theory, all universe is made up of tiny vibrating string-like structures which interact with each other and give rise to mass and energy.

Random Joke of the Day

My Dad always told me “Don’t be quick to find faults.” 
Great Dad, terrible geologist.

Word of the day: SCURRYFUNGE - to rush around cleaning before visitors arrive.

Want to see what other guff I write pop over to my Authors page on Amazon. Just paste the below link in your browser.


Oh and as a little extra treat here's a short radio play written by me performed by Sheffield Radio.

Monday, 8 February 2021

International Make a Friend Day


International Make a Friend Day

Friend Facts
That's Amaaaaazing
Random Joke
Discount Book

Do you have enough friends? The answer should be no. 

No matter how many friends we have, more of them increases our wealth. That's because friends are one of life's valuable assets. 'You just can't have too many friends.

Make a Friend Day is a great opportunity to meet someone new or do something to make a new friend.

Making a new friend can be easier to do than you think. There must be a gazillion ways to make new friends. It often helps by smiling and just being friendly or helpful.

Spend "Make a Friend Day" being just being friendly, and by doing special or nice things for others.

Oh, by the way.... I hope that you will be my friend!

Thank you for reading
You are oh so clever
For my mission to you
My only endeavour

Is to make you smile
And also think
Even though
My rhymes might stink

But you know better
Coz you’re so bright
To read my page
Both day and night

My friend, my pal
My chum, my mate
I love you all
And think you’re great

So thanks again
You beautiful folk
Let's enjoy a laugh
And share a joke

The cast of six was originally meant to be four.

Courteney Cox is the only regular cast member who never got an Emmy nomination for the show.

Before the show had been cast, Monica and Joey were intended to be the central couple.

The real address of the Friends' apartment, as used in the exterior shots, is 90 Bedford Street in Manhattan's West Village.

The only person who wasn't a fan of the show's iconic 'The Rachel' haircut was Jennifer Aniston herself.

Phoebe was originally conceived as a goth girl.

Right before the show premiered, the cast took a group trip to Vegas for one last taste of anonymity.

The refrigerators in both apartments really worked.

The show had many names before settling with the name Friends:- Friends Like Us, Six of One, Across the Hall, Once Upon a Time in the West Village and Insomnia Cafe.

"Shiny Happy People" by REM was the original choice for the Theme Song for the show and was used in the pilot when the show was still called Friends Like Us.

The Producers David Crane and Marta Kauffman co-wrote "I'll be there for you" with Phil Solem and Danny Wilde of the Rembrandts. Used for the theme song for all ten series.

In 1995, the song reached number 1 in the Billboard Hot 100 Airplay chart for eight weeks.

Ellen DeGeneres turned down the role of Phoebe.

Matt LeBlanc started going grey in his twenties and had to have his hair dyed throughout the series.
The final episode was watched by 52.46 million viewers and is ranked fourth most watch TV finale in US History.

That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
The longest friendship bracelet measures 660.48 m (2,166 ft 11.16 in) and was created by Benchmark Senior Living (USA) in Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA on 3 August 2016.

Random Joke of the Day
I’ve been to the doctor and was diagnosed with low blood pressure. He wrote me a prescription for two sets of Ikea self-assembly wardrobes and a trip to the dump.
Bargain Book
Did you get a kindle or e-book reader for Xmas? Then as a New Years gift from me you can now buy
my recent release, "Tales of the Unexpected" for the amazing low price of £1.99 (cheaper than a cup
of coffee) 

B Silver
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great diverse short stories
28 October 2019
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
Love this writer I bought his previous books and in my opinion this is the best so far. The stories are much more diverse than the others. For a book of short stories there are a lot there, great to pop in and read as and when you want to. Read mine on the train, I laughed out loud at one point making my fellow passengers jump out of their seats. Recommended read....

Saturday, 6 February 2021


 In Today's Populist Issue

Not Quite "Geist"
Random Joke of the Day
Word (To your Mother)
Author's Page

The Zeitgeist is a concept from 18th to 19th-century German philosophy, translated as "spirit of the age" or "spirit of the times". It refers to the concept of an invisible agent or force dominating the characteristics of a given epoch in world history.

Beans means Heinz
Hey rock and roll
Never trust a hippy
Go buddy go

Go to work on an egg
Put Tiger in your tank
Snap crackle pop
Its Blankety blank

I’m lovin it
Finger licking good
Shoop doggy dog
Boys in da Hood

Every little helps
Its Asda price
The better way to shop and save
Its naughty but nice

Yabba Dabba doo
Suffering sucatash
Supermarket sweep
Jumping Jack Flash

Dribble, piffle, plop
Yackety yak
Something something something
Errm quack quack quack


Michael Jackson "Thriller" is the best-selling album of all time, with sales over 110 million copies worldwide.

Tetris had 100 million paid downloads, making it the best-selling mobile game of all time

Rubik's Cube remains the top-selling single toy of all time with 350 million sold

McDonald's The largest fast food chain 35000 outlets throughout the world

"Avatar" £2,787,965,087 billion Is the highest-grossing film of all time

Snickers best-selling candy bars in the world £3.6 billion

Finding Nemo Best selling DVD of all time 40 million copies

Snow Beer (China) is biggest selling beer in the world

Football is the most popular sport with 3.5 Billion fans


Welcome to kleptomaniac club. I see you already took a brochure.

Word of the day: SKĂ„MSKUDDE (Swedish) -
literally "embarrassment pillow", the feeling you get when seeing something so embarrassing that one gets the urge to hide one's face in a pillow or couch cushion.

Want to see what other guff I write pop over to my Authors page on Amazon. Just paste the below link in your browser.
